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May 9, 2023

How to Withstand Trails and Temptation
James 1:19-27
Pastor Terry L. Davis

This is a great passage of Scripture, a very descriptive passage. In no uncertain terms there are several preparations that must be made in order to overcome temptation. Without these preparations, temptation can never conquer.

[1] Preparation1: Hear The Word of God: (V.19-21) How can a person make sure that he hears the Word of God?   These passages says that he has to do five things.

{1} He must be slow to speak. This means that that person must be willing to listen instead of speaking his own ideas about right and wrong and about how a person is saved.  He must sit and listen instead of hanging on to his own ideas;  he must be willing to listen to God's Word instead of insisting upon what he think.

{2} He must be slow to wrath or anger.  This means...
>>>A person must not become angry and act against other in wrath.  Anger and wrath disturb and distract.  An angry person cannot focus his thoughts and spirits upon God's Word, not enough to hear what the Word is saying.  An angry person just cannot do what God says; he cannot live righteously nor receive the righteousness of God's salvation (v.20)

{3} He must put aside all filthiness v.21.  The picture is that of taking off dirty garment and putting it aside.  A person must put off every dirty thing and lay it off to the side away from himself.  If he enjoys the dirt and filth, then his mind is going to be on it.  His mind will not be clear, not enough to hear the Word of God.     

{4} He must put aside all that remains of naughtiness, wickedness, and evil. The idea is this; even after putting aside all filthiness, there will still be some naughtiness or wickedness that will show up within us. Therefore we must be alert to these uprisings and put them off and lay them aside as well.(Heb. 12:1)

{5} We must receive the Word of God with meekness. We must be as a child before God our Father, that is sit before Him meekly just as a child does his father.  Note the word "engrafted" it means to implant; to be born within.  When a person listens and hears the Word of God, it is planted within his heart and life.  What God says is actually born within his heart, and the man hears exactly what God says.  HEAR THE WORD OF GOD: ( Mt. 13:23, Acts 2:41, 1Th. 2:13, Lk. 8:15, Pr. 18:15)

[2] Preparation 2: Faithfulness to the Word of God (v.22-25). Do the Word of God; do not be a hearer only. It not enough to hear and know the Word of God; we must live and do the Word of God. >>>The person who only hears and knows the Word deceives himself.  If a person thinks that he can hear and learn the Word of God and then go out and live like he wants , he deceives himself. (Lk.6:46-49)   

>>>The person who only hears and knows the Word soon forgets what he had heard. If a person does not practice what he learns, it soon fades from memory. It is just forgotten, and it never becomes a part of the person life. He is like the person who looks in a mirror to see if he needs to do anything to his appearance and then walks away and thinks of something else and forget the pimp.

>>>The person who hears and does the Word of God is blessed. Note that the Word of God is called the perfect law liberty. This means that the Word of God will set a person free from the bondage of sin and death. The Word of God will free a person from all the temptation of this life and give him the full and victorious life for which his soul longs for. Love, joy, and peace. (Jn. 13:17, Rom. 2:13, Rev. 22:14)

[3] Preparation 3: Bridle and control the Tongue: if a person thinks that he is religious, that is, acceptable to God , and does not bridle his tongue, he deceives himself. no matter what he thinks or professes, his religion is empty. (Jas. 3:6, 4:11; Pr.13:3, 21:23, 1Pt. 2:1)

[4] Preparation 4: Practice Pure Religion:

>>>A person must visit the fatherless, and widows in their affliction. (Gal. 6:2, Heb. 13:3---Matt. 10:12-14, Lk. 9:4-5)

>>>A person must keep himself unspotted from the world.  Pure religion does not become corrupted with false beliefs or with false religions. It holds to the purity of the gospel and the Word of God. Pure religion does not become morally corrupt; it does become entangled with the affairs and pleasures of this world. (Matt. 5;8, 2Cor. 6:17-18, Eph. 5:11, 1Pt. 1:22)

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Welcome to Bible Study
The Origin of Trials and Temptation
James 1: 13-18
Bible Study; Terry L. Davis 

INTRODUCTION--Where does temptation come from? Sometimes the desire and craving for things upon the earth are almost unbearable. We see something and we know that it is wrong, that we should not have it or do it, but the desire and craving become so strong that we can hardly stand it. This is what temptation is: the desire and craving for wrong things, things that God forbids and that are harmful tom our human and the spirit. Therefore, when we feel an urge or craving for such things we are being tempted.

[1] (V.13) TEMPTATION:  temptation is not of God. Man is always blaming someone else for tempting him and leading him into sin. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, God found Adam and asking him what had happened. Adam trying to escape the guilt, did just what all of us are prone to do: "the woman who you gave me tempted me" (Gen. 3:12). Then when God turned Eve, Eve said "the serpent deceived me". (Gen. 3:13). The point is this: man seldom takes responsibility for his own wrong-doing.  GOD IS NOT THE PERSON WHO AROUSES LUSTFUL DESIRES AND CRAVING WITHIN US. (V.13)

{a} First, God cannot be tempted with evil. God is holy, righteous, and pure. Therefore, by his nature God can have absolutely nothing to do with evil or temptation. To tempt a person is an evil thing to do. It takes a selfish, lustful, empty, carnal, self-seeking, and evil person to try to entice and seduce another person to do the forbidden thing. And God is not like this.  God is the very opposite.

{b} Second, not only can God not be tempted by evil, but God does tempt any person. God loves, cares, and seeks to save man, not to damage or destroy his body and spirit. (1 Cor. 10:13, Jas. 4:1-3, 2 Pt. 2:9, Ps. 145:17)

[2] (V.14-16) TEMPTATION: temptation is of man, of his own lust. There are three significant steps involved in temptation and sin.

     {1} There is lust and enticement. Every man, there are no exceptions is tempted when he draw away by his own lusts and enticed . The word "lust" means to crave either god or evil.   There are good desires and bad desires.   The word "enticed" means to lure and bait just as a person lures and baits a fish.

     {2} There is the conception of lust and the birth of sin. The conception of lust is a picture of birth. When a person actually begins to look at and think about the forbidden things, desire and lust are conceived in the mind. He pictures the pleasure of the desire; that is, sin is actually born. (Matt. 5:28, 1Jn.2:16, Mark 4:19, Gal. 5:16,17)

If the temptation attracts our thoughts, then we must push the wrong thought out of our mind, and then begin to immediately focus our thoughts upon Christ and the Word.
>>>If the temptation comes from some attraction to our senses--seeing, hearing, tasting, and touching--then we must turn our head or body away and flee the temptation.

     {3} There is the result of lust and enticement: death--man dies physically, spiritually, and eternally because of sin. When God created man, He did not create man to die. Man has chosen to die, and he dies because of sin. (Heb. 9:27)

[3] (V.17-18) TEMPTATION: temptation is not the nature of God. Note three key points.
     {1} God is good and perfect. he is not God if he is not good and perfect. When we say God, means the Supreme and Majestic Being of the universe. (Ps. 18:30, Dt. 32:4, Eccl. 3:14)
    {2} God is the Father of lights and He is unchangeable. Temptation leads men into darkness, into the darkness of guilt and shame. God is said to be "the Father of lights" He never leaves us in the dark, groping and grasping to know the truth. He always open up the light of the truth to us. he gives us every good and perfect gift because He is the Father of light. (Ps. 27:1, 84:11, 1John 1:5, Jn. 10:28 )

{3} God wills only to see us born again. He wills us to know the Word of truth. All humanistic and false teaching about the truth are not of God. (Jn. 1:12-13, Eph.4:24, Tit. 3:5, 1Pt. 1:23)

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Welcome to our BIBLE STUDY
New Birth John 3:1-16 Bible Study:  Pastor Terry L. Davis


There are two tragic facts here.

{1} There are the statements: "ye receive not our witness" and "ye believe not." Apparently, Nicodemus did not believe and receive Jesus at this point in his life. He did what so many do: he rejected Jesus. (Jn. 1:11; 12:48, 1 Jn. 5:10)

{2} it is man's nature not to believe. (1 Cor. 2:14, Jn. 2:14)

[6] (3:13) THE NEW BIRTH IS REVEALED ONLY JESUS. Jesus said two things
{1} He came down from (out of) heaven. No man can ascend up into heaven; no man can penetrate the spiritual world. Flesh is flesh, that is born of the earth, therefore, it is earthly (1Cor.15:47). However, Jesus Christ was different from all other men. His origin was out of heaven, out of the spiritual world and dimension of being. (Jn. 6:33,38; 50-51)

{2} He is timeless. "The Son of Man which is in heaven" means his existence and experience are timeless. he is eternal. (Jn. 1:51)


{1} The first acts is Jesus death. Jesus illustrated His point by using the Old Testament story of Moses lifting up the bronze serpent in the wilderness (Num. 21:4-9). Jesus said that He must be lifted up just as the serpent was lifted up. What did He means?

>>>The people of Israel had great need, for they were dying from the poison of the fiery serpents. Men today are dying from the poison of the serpent, the deadly poison of sin.

>>>The serpent is a symbol of the evil one, Satan (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9;20:2). Jesus Christ destroyed the works of the devil by being lifted up (Heb. 2:14-15); therefore the serpent's hanging upon the pole symbolized the defeat of Satan. By looking upon the defeated evil (the serpent), Israel was healed. today man is healed by looking upon the Son of Man who has been lifted up upon the cross. >>>The serpent was a cursed creature from the very beginning (Gen 3:14-15) Jesus became a curse for man (1 Pt. 2:24)

{2} The second act is man's belief in Jesus. The man who believes in the Son of Man being lifted up...

>>>will not perish (Jn.3:16)

>>>will have eternal life (Jn. 5:24; Is. 53:5) 

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Welcome to Bible Study
March 28, 2023

The Revelation of Jesus,
The Son of God; John 3:1-15
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

[1] { V.1-2} NICODEMUS APPROACHED JESUS. Note these facts about Nicodemus

a. He was a ruler of the Jews. This means he was a senator or member of the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jew.

1) He was Pharisee

2) He was the master of Israel (v.10); that is, he held some official position of the highest rank. he was either the leading official or the leading teacher of Israel who was either authorized or accepted as such by the public.

3) He apparently was wealthy. He spent a great deal of money on the burial of Jesus (Jn. 19:39).

4) He was silent at the trail of Jesus, saying nothing to defend Jesus, but he boldly stepped forth after the Lord's death to publicly help in the burial of Jesus (Jn.19:39-42)

b. He came in the behalf of the religionists. he said, "We know" some of the religionists wondered if Jesus were the true Messiah

c. He acknowledged Jesus only as a teacher from God. he and others saw the miracles Jesus did, and they knew something: only a man of God could do such miracles.

[2] (3:3) NEW BIRTH: the new birth is a necessity, an imperative. The fact show this:

a. The strong assertion, "Except a man be born again."  The word "again" has three different meanings in Greek:  It means...
….From the first: from the beginning or completely and fully (Lk. 1:3)
….Again: a second time, a repeated act (v.4) (Gal.4:9)
….From above: from the top, which means from God (Jn. 19:11) The point is this: A man must be "born again." He must be...
….born completely and fully, a complete and full change
….born all over again, in the sense of a second time
….born from above, from God b. The importance of the words, "cannot see the kingdom of God." One must be "born again" or else he will never "see" nor "enter" the kingdom of God.   It is an absolute imperative that a person be born again. (Jn. 3:18, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Rom. 6:23)

[3] (4-8) NEW BIRTH: the new birth is a spiritual birth. Nicodemus was puzzled by the word "born again' he did not know what Jesus meant. He understood Jesus to be saying that a man must be born a "second time" Jesus answered Nicodemus by doing five things.

a) Jesus gave the source of the new birth. It was born of the water, even of the Spirit

b) Jesus repeated the importance of being born again. V.3

c) Jesus gave the nature of the new birth. it spiritual, not physical and material

d) Jesus illustrated the point by picturing the wind. The Spirit of God works just like the wind. (Jn. 1:12-13, Tit. 3:5, 1Pt. 1:3)

[4] (9-11) Nicodemus' heart was touched by what Jesus was saying, and he wished to know what was meant by "being born again" (1Cor, 2;14). Note the great tragedy of Nicodemus. he was the master of Israel, yet he did not know about spiritual things. (Rom, 8:18, 1Th. 1:5, 1Jn.5:6) 

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Welcome to Bible Study
March 21, 2023

New Birth, What Does it Mean to be Saved (John 3:1-15)
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

INTRODUCTION--a spiritual birth, a rebirth of one's spirit, a new life, a renewed soul, a regenerated spirit. It is the regeneration and renewal of one's spirit and behavior (2 C0r. 5;17). It is the provision or infusion of a new life, of a godly nature (2 Pt. 1:4). The new birth is so radical a change in a person's life that it can be a spiritual birth--birth beyond the grasp of man's hand and efforts. So life-changing and so wonderful that it can be wrought only by the love and power of god Himself. The New Testament teaching on the new birth is rich and full.

{1} THE NEW BIRTH IS A NECESSITY. A person will never see not ever the Kingdom of God unless he or she is born again (Jn. 3:5, 7)

{2} THE BIRTH IS A SPIRITUAL BIRTH, THE BIRTH OF A NEW POWER AND SPIRIT IN LIFE.   It is not reformation of the old nature (Rom. 6:6) . It is the actual creation of a new birth within spiritually (Jn.3:5-6, Eph. 2:10, Jn. 1:12,13). A person is spiritually born again.... a. By water, even the Spirit (Jn. 3;5) b. By the will of God (James 1:18) c. By incorruptible seed, even by the Word of God (1 Pt. 1:23) d. By God from above (1Pt 1:3) The word AGAIN in the in the phrase "born again" also mean ABOVE ( John 1: 12,13) e. By Christ, who gives both the power and right to be born again (Jn. 1:12-13)

{3} The new birth is a definite experience, a real experience. A person experiences the new birth: a. By believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (1 Jn. 5:1, Jn. 3:13,14) b. By the gospel as it is shared by believers (1 Cor. 4:15; Philemon 10) c. By the Word of God (1 Pt. 1:23) or by the Word of Truth (James 1:8).

{4} The new birth is a changed life, a totally new life. A person proves that he is born again: a. By doing righteous acts (1 Jn. 2:29, Eph. 2:10; 4:24) b. By not practicing sin (1 Jn. 3:9; 5:18) c. By loving other believers (1 Jn. 4:7) d. By overcoming the world (1 Jn. 5:4) e. By keeping himself (1 Jn. 5:18) f. By possessing the divine seed or nature (1 Jn. 3:9, 2 Pt. 1:4, Col. 1:27). 

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Welcome to Bible Study
February 14, 2023

Evangelism / Soul Winning Matt. 28:19-20; John 4:1-42;
Roman 3:22-24, 6:23, 10:9-10,13
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

Evangelism--The spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ by public or private preaching, teaching, or personal witness.

1. Must be saved himself and be sure of his own salvation
2. Must live a pure life, inside and outside, a life surrendered to Jesus Christ.
3. Must work in a spirit of love and perseverance, not be arrogant or overbearing.
4. Must have fair knowledge of the Bible and know how to use the Bible.
5. Must be a person of prayer, relying on the Lord to convert the sinner.
6. Life must be powerful in that it is filled with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 5:18)
7. Must have compassion for lost soul--a passion for the lost. (Lk.15:4)

1. Seek and pray for opportunities, and then use them. Don't wait for a more convenient season.
2. Lead directly to a definite acceptance of Christ. It’s quite possible to talk about Christ, the Bible, but never face the main issue.
3. Be courteous, don't be overbearing or too talkative. Let them speak, too. Don't argue
4. Deal with the person alone if at all possible, being alone he is more apt to open up to you.
5. Don't become impatient. It is a tremendous decision--the greatest decision in life
6. When the person is ready to make the decision, pray for him and with him. After prayer, give him some verses from the Bible for the assurance of salvation. If possible, keep in contact with them.

1. The Worth of a Soul. We may be the only one who can make an impression on that particular soul, and his soul is worth more than all the world. (Mk. 8:35-38)
2. The Fact of Hell. if we truly believed that souls were headed for a lost eternity of hell fire, we would surely do all in our power to persuade men to turn from sin to Jesus Christ.
3. The Suffering of Christ on the cross for each sinner. 4. The personal rewards that are offered to faithful soul winners. (1Pt.5:4)

1. The Great Commission (Matt. 28;19-20)
2. The Roman Road (Roman 3:22-24; 6:23; 10:9-10, 13)
3. Jesus’ approach to Evangelism (John 4:1-42)

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Welcome to Our Bible Study
January 10, 2023

Let's Start Our Year With Knowing Who God Is

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Welcome to Bible Study
December 13, 2022

Jesus Christ and His Baptism Mark 1:9-11
Bible Study; Pastor Terry L. Davis

[1] (1:9) JESUS SURRENDER TO BAPTISM: Jesus baptism involved a decision and a surrender, a momentous decision and a total surrender. Note the words "Jesus came from Nazareth and was baptized in Jordan". It was a momentous decision for Jesus to leave Nazareth and be baptized.
>>>By being baptized Jesus was showing what is involved in paying the ultimate price: the price of sacrificing oneself totally for the will of God.
>>>By being baptized Jesus was showing to the world what is involved in making a momentous decision and a total surrender to God. (Lk.9:23, 14:33; Rom. 8:13)

[2] (1:9) JESUS CHRIST BAPTISM: Jesus’ baptism involved a beginning and an identification. His baptism was a beginning in that it was the beginning of a new life, a new direction in His life. His baptism was launching the mission of God to save the world. It was identification in that He was identifying with John’s ministry. John was proclaiming the coming of the Messiah, the Lamb of God. Through baptism, Jesus was identifying Himself as the Messiah, the Lamb of God. (Matt. 3:13,15; Mk. 16:16)

[3] (1:10) JESUS BAPTISM INVOLVED A COMMISSIONING AND AN EMPOWERING. This is seen in the  heaven's opening and the Spirit descending upon Him. Jesus commissioning was a dramatic moment. The word "opened" means rent asunder or torn apart. Jesus was being commissioned and set apart by heaven itself. God was giving His son an experience that would make the commissioning unquestionable and unforgettable. The empowering of Jesus was also a very dramatic moment. The Spirit of God descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove. This event was not only identifying Jesus as the Messiah, it declaring that the Spirit of God and His power were upon Jesus

THOUGHT1: Every true believer is commissioned and empowered by God to do the work of God. (Jn. 15:16; Act 1:8, Is.6:8)

[4] (1:11) JESUS BAPTISM INVOLVED GOD APPROVAL AND ENCOURAGEMENT: As Man, Jesus Christ needed the perfect assurance of God. So much was being required of Him, and he was to pay such an enormous price to serve God. He needed some clear indication, some special strength, some encouragement from God. "There came a voice from heaven, saying, thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." (Ps.28:7; Is. 41:10; Is. 43:2)  

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Welcome to Bible Study
December 6, 2022

The Gospel of Jesus Christ:  Mark 1:1-8
Bible Study Pastor Terry L. Davis

Mark begins his writing with the simple words "the beginning of" But the words that follow are not simple. they are profound and astounding: "the good of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Mark wastes no time in sharing the good news about the coming of God's Son into human history.   He jumps right to the subject of God's messenger whom God sent to prepare the way for His Son.

[1] ) (1:1-2) Gospel of Jesus Christ: Mark says two things about the beginning of the gospel or good news {1} The gospel concerns "Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Note Mark's exact words: "the gospel of Jesus Christ." it is not the "gospel of Mark," but the gospel of Jesus Christ.
>>>Jesus Christ is the subject of the gospel. Jesus means Savior; He will save. The Hebrew form is Joshua, meaning Jehovah is salvation; He is the Savior. (Matt.18:11; Lk. 19:10; Rom. 8:3)
>>>Jesus Christ is the Author of the gospel. By Him and through Him the gospel is created and written. He brings the good news of God to man. He embodies and He proclaims the good news about God to man.
>>>Jesus Christ is the Son of God. John 1:34; 10: 30-33; Ph. 2:6) CHRIST--The words "Christ" and "Messiah" are the same word. Messiah is the Hebrew word and Christ is the Greek word. Both words refer to the same person and mean the same thing: the Anointed One. The Messiah is the Anointed One of God. Matthew says Jesus "is called Christ" (Mt. 1:16); that is, He is recognized as the Anointed One of God, the Messiah Himself.

{2} The gospel began long, long ago. Jesus Christ is the Subject and Author of the gospel, but the gospel began long before the birth of Jesus and the ministry of John. The gospel began long ago in the mind and plan of God. God foretold the coming of the gospel through the prophets of old. Mark says what Paul was later to say. (Acts 26:22) [2] (1:2) Prophecy of John the Baptist: there is the promise of God to send a messenger, a forerunner to prepare the way for His Son. (Malachi 3:1; Is.40:3) The Old Testament and New Testament are one in purpose. They both point toward the gospel of Jesus Christ.

[3] (1:3-5) John the Baptist Mission: the mission of God's messenger was threefold.

{1} John cried, "Prepare" note he was crying in the wilderness. The world is a wilderness full of dangerous, rough, uneven, thorny, and rocky road. It is easy to get lost in the wilderness of the world. It was in the world where the messenger of God had to cry, "prepare ye the way of the Lord." (Mk. 13:35; Lk. 12:35-36

{2} John baptized all who believed in the Messiah (Matt. 3:11)

{3} John preached repentance and forgiveness of sins. A person was to repent, to turn from his sin to God, then the person was to be baptized, "fulfilling all righteousness" (Matt. 3:15). Baptism was part of the act of repentance. There was no true repentance without it. Aman was to feel sorry for his sin, turning from his sin to God. Part of his turning to God was being baptized. John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. The person who truly repented was baptized, and his sins were forgiven. (Lk. 13:3; Acts 2:38, 3:19; Ezk. 18:21; Is. 55:7)

{4} John impact was enormous. Note the word "all" (v.5). All were flocking out to him and being baptized. This was shocking, for Jews were never baptized. Baptism was only for Gentile converts to the Jewish faith (Jn. 1:24-26)

[4] (1:6) Self-Denial: the spirit of God's messenger was self-denial

{1} His living quarters were in "the wilderness" that is, in the country. he deliberately chose to live away from the city with all its distractions and temptation. he chose to live where he could be alone with God in meditation and prayer.

{2} His clothing was simple, made of camel hide with a belt made of some other animal skin.

{3} His Food was simple. it was locusts and wild honey (Lev. 11:22-23).

THOUGHT:  John knew that life was more than food and clothing and housing. He knew that he must not allow anything to distract him or the people from God. (Matt. 16:24; Lk. 14;27; Rom. 8:13)

[5] (1:7-8) Preaching: the message of God's messenger was twofold.

{1} The preeminence of Christ and the nothingness of self. John said he himself was less than a slave. Slaves were the ones who loosed the sandals of guests and washed their feet. John said the One coming was so mighty, he was not even worthy to untie His sandals, much less wash His feet. (Col. 1:18; John 3:31; 1Cor. 8:6)

{2} the power of Christ. John said he could minister only physical substance: water baptism, a baptism that could only point toward God. But One coming, the Messiah, would minister spiritual reality, the baptism of the Spirit of God Himself. (Lk. 24:49; Jn. 14:16-18; Jn. 16:7)

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Welcome to Bible Study
November 29, 2022

Spiritual Growth 2 Pt. 3:18;
Bible Study Pastor Terry L. Davis

The life of Peter is a study in Christian experience. He moved from being unstable to dependable in the Lord's work. (John 1:42) "And he brought him to Jesus . Jesus looked at him and said, you are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas ( which, when translated, is Peter )".


{1} The Flesh (Gal. 5:16-17, Mk. 14:38, Rom. 8:1,5,8)
{2} The devil (1Pt. 5:8-9, Matt.4:1, Matt. 13:39, Eph. 4;27) 
{3} The world (1 John. 4:4, Mk. 4;19, Mk.8:36,John. 15:18-19) 


{1} Knowing Christ (Phil. 3;8-10) 
{2} Loving Christ (Matt.22: 37-38) >>>Heart--live Him supremely more than any being or any thing. >>>Soul--To give up your life to Him and to devoted it all to His service. >>>Mind--To submit to the intellect of His will, teaching, and guideline.
{3} Obeying Christ (John 14:21, Matt. 8:27, Acts 5:19, Duet. 11:28; 27:10) 

Faith (Heb. 11:1-3, Matt. 15:28,2 C05. 5:7) 
Knowledge (Prov. 1:7, 2Pt. 3:18, 1Cor. 1:5, Eph. 4:13) 
Endurance (2 Tim. 2:3, 1Cor. 13:7, James 1:12, Heb. 11:25-27) 
Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22, Lk. 11:13, Eph. 1:13, Eph. 4:30)

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Welcome to Bible Study
November 8, 2022

Seven Duties a Christian Should Know: Pastor Terry L. Davis   

Introduction--A Christian needs to know his or her duties toward God and his fellowman for a series of reasons; that he might fulfill these duties, and that he might live a life that is well-pleasing to God. (Rom. 14:7-9, II Cor. 5:11) The duties of a Christian are summarized in many passages of Scripture. {1} Exo. 20:1-17--" The Ten Commandments" here given are in force today, not as a way to life for sinners, but as the way of life for saints. The first four of these commandments summarize a Christian's duties toward God and the last six of these commandments summarize a Christian's duties toward his fellowman. {2} Micah 6:8--In Micah's day and in our day, God requires in summary, only three things of His people. (a) to walk humbly before God; (b) to treat our fellowmen justly; (c) to show mercy to those in need of mercy. {3} Matt.22: 35-40--Jesus in these verses says that we have two summary duties, to love God and to love our neighbor (fellowman), and that in doing these two things, we are fulfilling " The Ten Commandments" (love to God fulfills the first four of commandments and love to our neighbor fulfills the last six). {4} Matt. 28:19,20--These verses teach that the duties of a Christian toward his fellowmen are two in number; (1) To make saints out of sinners and (2) to make mature saints out of baby saints. {5} John chapter15--This chapter summarizes a Christian's duties as being three in number: (1) To abide in the vine (to obey Christ); (2) to love our Christian brothers; and (3) to witness to the unsaved world. {6}1 Thess. 1:1,10--These two verses imply that our Christian duties summarize are two: (1) to serve the living and true God and (2) to await the coming of his Son from heaven. We serve as we wait. {7} Titus 2:12,13--According to these verses, a Christian's duties are three. (1) to deny (to reject) ungodliness and worldly lusts; (2) to live soberly, godly and righteously in this present world; and (3) to look for the fulfillment of the blessed hope, the glorious appearance of our Savior, Jesus Christ.   

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Nov 1, 2022

Laborers Within the Church: Renouncing Self-Deception 1Cor. 3:18-23
Bible Study; Pastor Terry L. Davis

In this passage, Paul gives the root cause for the trouble with the Corinthians. It was pride--pride in who they were and in what they knew. Corinth was a center for intellectual pursuit and culture; and a cultured society. They professed an intellectual, worldly wisdom; professed to know more than most, and this same attitude was carried over into the church. They professed to understand the Scriptures and the ways of God better than most. One of the answers to the problem of divisiveness within the church is for a man to recognize that he has been deceived and to renounce the self-deception.

[1] (3:18) Self-Deception: "Let no man deceive himself" There is a background to this charge that helps the reader understand its importance. The Corinthian church had some unusual advantages over many of the other churches.
>>> They had access to the Scriptures, and they enjoyed the Scriptures and the ways of God.
>>> They had the privilege of being ministered to by some of the most outstanding preachers, not only of their, but of history (Paul, Peter, Apollos).
>>> They had received an unusual outpouring of the gifts of God's Spirit (Chapter12-14) However, the Corinthian church had a serious problem: the Corinthians wanted worldly recognition. They wanted to know as intellectual, well-educated, and very capable of understanding the world and God. The result was tragic. They had begun to follow their own ideas and rationalizations and to disregard the will and the Word of God. They had begun to exalt their own wisdom and to exalt men with unusual abilities. They had begun to govern their lives by their ideas instead of obeying God's Word.
(Lk. 18:9, Gal. 6:3, Pr. 28:26) [2] (18-20)
Wisdom of Men: renounce worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom is a natural reason only: it is the wisdom of men that seeks to know the truth of the world and of God by natural reason only. When the church begins to approach God and the problems of the world through worldly wisdom, the result is tragic. The church is taking the path that will destroy its witness and make it useless in the Kingdom of God. So why does worldly wisdom fail to grasp the truth of the world and of God?
Three reasons are given in this passage.
(1) Worldly wisdom is superficial: it only seems to be wise. The word "seemth" means to think. The man thinks himself to be wise and creative, knowledgeable, and intelligent. He thinks he has a novel idea or concept of God and truth.  The only way God can ever be known is for God to reveal Himself. The only way the truth of a perfect world can be known is for God to reveal it. Any wisdom that seeks to know God apart from His revelation is superficial. It is a man who only think that he is wise: he is only wise in worldly matter; he does not know the real truth. (Rom. 1:22, Col. 2:8, Jer. 4:2:20

(2) Worldly wisdom is not true wisdom. Note the words "Let him become a fool, that he may be wise." this simply means that a person must become what the world call "a fool" if he wishes to know God and the real truth of God's world. The world hears about the revelation of God and call it foolishness. In the eyes of the world it is utter foolishness. (Jn. 12:48, 1Cor. 1:18, 21, 23-24)

(3) Worldly wisdom is foolishness to God (v.19)
>>> It is foolishness because evil, selfishness , and sin do exist within the heart of man
>>> It is foolishness because there is only one imaginable that a sinful and imperfect creature could ever be acceptable to a perfect God: the perfect God would to love the sinful creature so much that he would just accept him. (Jn. 3:16-17, Rom. 5:8, 2Cor. 5:19,21. 1 Pt. 3:18) [3] (21-23) Renounce Glorying in Men: To glory in men means to trust men, to look upon men as the answer and source of life and blessing. This is just too much trust, too much confidence to put in men. Some men can and should be trusted, but even they are not the answer and source of life and true blessing. They should not be glorified. The believer is to glory only in God. Only God is to be exalted, praised, and worshipped. Two reasons why believers are not to glory in men.

{1} All things belongs to the believer. The believer actually possesses all things, and to glory in any other man is to minimize his own dignity and exalted position. Life belong to the believers. This means real life, abundant life--a life with purpose, meaning, and significance. (Jn. 1is God's0:10, 2 Cor. 9:8, Eph. 3:20)

{2} Believers belongs to Christ, and Christ belong to God. Three things need to be noted
>>> Believers possess all things only because of Christ--only because of what he has done for them.. Without Christ they have no more than what the world has.
>>> Believers owe their lives to Christ, not to any man
>>> "Christ is God's." This does not means that Christ is not divine, that He is less than God. It refers to His function and ministry Savior. He came to earth to save men in subjection to God's will. As the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ served God; therefore, He too, as our Savior was obedient to God.

THEREFORE, LET NO MAN GLORY IN MEN (V.21) (Jn. 5:44, Rom. 12:16, 1 Pt. 1:24)

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October 25, 2022

Laborer within the Church (1Cor. 16-17)
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

[6] (V.16) Church--The Temple of God: There is the building identified. It is the temple of God, the church. This verse is sometimes applied to the individual believer as God temple. It is true that the believer is God temple, the indwelt by God's Spirit. However, this particular verse does not apply to the individual believer. Within the context of this passage, it is the church as a whole that is called the temple of God. Note this Point

>>>The word "temple" is singular, but the word "ye" is plural. Scripture is saying "you [all the Corinthian believers are the temple and sanctuary of Godin whom the Spirit of God dwells." The stress is upon the presence of God: His very presence dwells within the sanctuary. God dwells among all the believers of the church, the Spirit of God dwells within the church, no matter where they meet. (Mt. 21:12-13, 2 Cor. 6:16, 1Pt. 2:5, Eph. 2:21-22)

[7] (V.17) Church--Judgment: There is the seriousness of defiling the church. The person who defiles the church shall face terrible judgment. Note the words "defile and destroy", the person who troubles the church will suffer the same kind of trouble himself. Whatever he sows, he is definitely going to reap. Troublemaking within the church destroy the spirit of unity and the love within the church. To corrupt and destroy the church is to invite God to corrupt and destroy the troublemaker. ...The church or temple of God can be destroyed in at least two ways.

1. Troublemakers can make it utterly impossible for the Spirit to work within the church. An attitude of disgust, a spirit of ill will, an unwillingness to learn, grumbling, complaining, arguing, divisiveness--destroy the spiritual fellowship of the church

2. Troublemakers can split the church. Troublemakers hold opinions just like everyone else. However. there is one distinct difference: they become opinionated. Sometimes they try to hold their opinions to themselves, but their opinion is usually written all their faces and, in their speech, and behavior. The result is that then church begins to disintegrate into little parties and opinionated cliques. The church is then on its way to a series of disconnected group.

THOUGHT: it is the Spirit of God alone that brings about a spiritual fellowship. (Ph. 2:3, 2 Tim. 2:14, Jas. 3:6) 

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Oct 18, 2022

Laborer within the Church (1Cor. 3:10-17)
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

[1] (V.10) Within the Church--There is the master builder and the laborers. The word "masterbuilder" means the superintendent or architect of the building project. Paul says that he was the one who planned the church at Corinth. he was the one laid the foundation, who began and superintended the founding of the church. We need to note two things.

{1} Paul was the master builder because of the grace of God, not because of any personal ability or merit. The word grace means to be enabled, empowered, and equipped to do the job. It was God's power, God's gift, God's abilities that was given to Paul to do the job.

{2} Paul said he was a "wise master-builder" The word "wise" means skillful. He did not approach the task and project unthoughtfully, he kept his mind upon the task. he did not allow the pleasure of the world to distract him; nor did he allow the desires of his own flesh. (Mt. 16:15-18, 1Pt. 2:5)

[2] Warning to the Church--Let every believer take heed how he builds upon the foundation of the church. The foundation has been laid, and it is strong. It shall never be moved. It is now to be build upon, but everyone in the church, minister and laymen alike, must take heed how to builds upon it. (Mt. 6:1, Matt. 18:10, Lk. 11:35, 21:18)

[3] (V.11) Jesus The Foundation--There is the only foundation, Jesus Christ Himself, All other are as sinking sand. What does it mean to say that Christ is the only foundation?

{1} It mean that Christ Himself, His person, is the only foundation upon men can build their lives. (Matt. 7:24-27, Jn. 3:14-15; 8:24, 1Tim. 2:5-6)

{2} It mean that the teaching or doctrine of Christ is the only foundation upon men can build their lives. (Jn. 7:16-17; 8:51, Mk. 13:31, Jn. 12:48-50)

{3} It mean that Jesus Christ is the only foundation upon which men can build a true church. (Matt. 16:15-18, Acts 4:11-12, Eph. 2:20-21)

[4] (V.12) Church Structure--There is the structure. It can be build out of two possible materials: either permanent or perishable materials. there may be only one foundation, and it may be laid by Christ and His apostles, but there are many different kinds of materials within the market of the world. And the believer must choose which material he will use to build his part of the church.

{1} There are the permanent and valuable materials, the materials that not corruptible and do not deteriorate and decay like the things of this earth. Permanent materials last forever; they are incorruptible and undefiled and do not fade away. What are the permanent materials? Scripture describes them in many ways.

>>>They are the fruit of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23) >>>They are the things which are to added to our faith. (2Pt. 1:5-11)

{2} There are the perishable and combustible materials. They are the materials and things of this earth that are corruptible; that rust, decay, and deteriorate. Scripture says they can be compared to wood, hay, and stubble. What are the perishable materials?

>>>They are the treasures, wealth, and cares of this world. (Mk. 4:19)
>>>They are the work of the flesh. (Gal. 5:19-21) >>>They are the false teaching that are always dangerously floating around believers and the church. (Matt. 7:15, 22-23, Col. 2:8, Gal.4:9)

[5] (V.13-15) Rewards--Judgement: There is the day of inspection. The building of the church will be inspected

>>>The day of inspection is sure to come. The building was stared in order to be finished. When it is finished, the inspector, the Lord Jesus Christ, will come to either approve or disapprove.1 Cor. 1:7-8)

>>>Every man's work, the work of every believers, will be manifested and declared. How will they tested? By fire. In the bible fire is constantly used as a symbol of judgement and terrible trail. The build is to set a fire, and only the permanent materials of the Spirit will survive the fire. All the materials of the earth will be burned and consumed and gone forever. (Matt. 16:27,Rom. 2:16, 2Cor. 5:10, 1Pt. 1:170

>>>The believers whose works perished in the fire will suffer lost. note he will be saved, but he will suffer the lost of reward. (Mt. 25: 27-28, Jer. 5:25)

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Oct 11, 2022

Laborers With God (1 Cor. 3:1-15)
Bible Study Pastor Terry L. Davis

"For we are labourers together with God: ye are Husbandry, ye are God building" V.9 [I] (V3:1-4) Man Spiritual Stages.

Three things are said about a carnal man:

{1} The carnal man is not spiritually mature; he is a babe in Christ. note the carnal man is a true believer. He is a babe in Christ, but he is a deformed just like a deformed baby. he should more mature, more developed spiritually, but he has not grown in Christ. The carnal man does not know Christ and the things of God like he should. His mind and behavior are focused upon Christ like they should be. He has been a believer for years, be know little about Christ.

{2} The carnal man has to be fed with milk and not the meat of the Word. This does mean there are two sets of teachings, nor that there are two sets of beliefs, one for the learned believer and another for the unlearned. The same gospel is preached to all, and the same Word is studied by all; but some have paid attention, studied, prayed, and served Christ more than others. The spiritual believer knows and experiences more of the depth of spiritual things than the carnal believer. Therefore, the carnal believer has to be fed the very basic and not the depths of God's Word. (Mk. 4:33, Jn. 16:12, Heb. 5:12, 1Pt. 2:2)

{3} The carnal man is characterized by division. Division is striking proof that a man or a people are carnal, whether the division be in the church or in the family.
a. Carnality is clearly seen in envying and strife. Envy leads to jealousy, and jealousy leads to division. Envy may be cause by some position, promotion, recognition, attention, possession etc.
b. Carnality is seen when believers begin to walk and act like men of the world. Men in the world live for the world, so they want and struggle for all they can get for the least amount of effort. the best position, most money, highest honor.
c. Carnality is seen when believers begin to follow men and cliques. (Rom. 6:6, Eph. 4:17, Col. 3:9-10, Rom. 8:7)

[II] Seeing Who Ministers Really Are (3:5-9) The Corinthians church was severely divided. The division focused primarily upon the former preachers of the church: Peter, Paul, and Apollos. The ministers themselves were not involved; it was the carnal believers in the church causing the problem. Some like Peter, some Paul, others Apollos.

[1] (v.5) Minister of God are servants. The word "ministers" means a servant, an attendant, or a waiter on tables. They are servant of God and God's people. Two point of servanthood are stress.

a. Ministers are only instruments of God. They are only servant. No minister saves the believer ; God does. No minister leads a person to believe; God does. The minister of God is only the Lord Instrument and servant. (Jn. 13:14, 1Tim. 1:12, Jn. 21:16)

b. Ministers can help people only as God gifts them. The gift of ministry are not natural abilities and endowments. The gifts of proclaim the gospel and to minister to people are not of the preacher. They are spiritual gifts given only by God, and the minister can only serve effectively when God gives him the gifts of His Spirit. The gifts are of God and God alone; therefore the people are to focus their thoughts and praise upon God alone. (Matt. 25: 15, Rom. 12:6, 1Cor. 12:4)

[2] (V.6-7) Minister of God are nothing in comparison to God. Respect the minister of God, Love and care for him, for his call and task are impossible. But he is not to be idolized and followed as though he is the founder of your faith. A picture from farming shows exactly what our attitude toward ministers is to be. One minister of God planted the seed of God's Word in our lives. Another minister comes along and water the seed. But God gives the increase. Therefore, glorify and talk about God. Praise God and lift His name up, not the name of the minister. (Roman 15:5-6, 1Cor. 6:20, Ps. 34:3, Ps.29:20)

[3] (V.8) Minister are one: they are equal in God eyes. And they are not seen as one and equal in the eyes of the church and its believers . Note two significant points

a. Both the sower and the edifier, both he who plants and he who waters, are emphatically said to be one. All ministers are called... the same Lord the same office: the office of minister the same work: to serve God church stand accountable before God and before God alone. (Rom. 12:5, Eph.. 4:11-13)

b. Each minister of God is personally to God. Each man is to be rewarded for what he does, not for what another minister does. Therefore, trying to be like another minister is not his task. His task is to be who God called him to be and do as God gifts him to do. (Mt. 25:22-23, 1Pt. 4:11)

[4] (V.9) Minister are co-workers with God. Three striking point are declared in this verse.

1. God is the source of all in the church. God's name comes first in this verse three different times: >>>God's fellow workers are we
>>>God's husbandry are you
>>>God's building are you
He is the source of all that concerns the church: the source of both its minister and its people

2. Ministers are co-workers, and they work together with God. They work with God, carrying out His will and doing what He wants done. (Mt. 9:37-38, Jn. 4:35-36, Mk. 16:20)

3. The church is God's field and building. The church is to bear fruit, and it is to make new additions to its structure. A field does not exist to lie unused. It exists to bear a harvest The church as a field must let one who plants and the one who waters do their work or else....
>>>the field of the church lies useless to God
>>>the building of the church lies unused for God (Matt. 7:24-25, 1Cor.3:11, 1Tim. 6:19, 2Tim. 2:19)

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Endure With Much Patience Is. 40:30-31;
Bible Study Pastor Terry L. Davis 

What is Patience:

"Patience" is enduring or waiting, as a determination of will.  It's not merely enduring trials as a matter of necessity. 
"Patience" is strong determination of will, to victoriously overcome the negative things we confront, according to God will.   God is patient (Rom. 2:4; 1Pt. 3:20; 2Pt. 3:15).   
And as His Children, we inherit the promises through faith and patience (Heb. 6:12) 

Put On a Heart of patience Paul tells us to put on a heart of patience.  So, as those whose have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col. 3:12) 

Patience is a deliberate and willful, resulting in several godly behaviors. 

How Do We Put On a Heart of Patience?   Before making the statement in (Col.3:12), to put on a heart of patience, Paul tells us how to obtain the strength to be patient...READ.(Col. 1:9-11). 
We go to God's Word, understand it, and apply it to our lives with all spiritual wisdom.   As a result God's word performs its work in us, and we're empowered to be patient in whatever circumstances we live (1 Th. 2:13). 

It's good and proper for us to pray for strength, trusting God to empower us through the knowledge of His word, whereby we bear fruit in every good work--including patience (Col. 1:10-11). 
We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, casting all our anxiety on Him, because He cares for us (1Pt. 5:6-7).
Then we patiently endure as trust in God, who is in control of all things. The result of living as a Christian, empowered by God, is bearing "fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Col. 1:10)

Three Specific Behaviors That Result from Patience
{1} Patience: Tolerance for Brethren "Patience" is necessary to be tolerant of one another, which is necessary to maintain unity (Eph. 4:1-6).
Although we not tolerate sin, we must be tolerant of one another to cooperate, and do the Lord work. Paul teaches us this principle, specifically mentioning "patience" (Eph. 4:1-3)

{2} Patience: Teaching "Patience" is required to be a good teacher. God commands us to "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction" (2 Tim. 4:2) Every Christian teaches God's word in some fashion. In everything we do, we teaching others by our example of life (1Pt. 3:1). Parents teach Children, and children teach parents. Husbands teach wives and wives teach husbands. We teach our friend, enemies, and passing strangers. Bible teachers teach at church, and from house to house. In every teaching role, we must exercise "great patience" (2Tim. 4:2). Anything less, hurts our efforts to save the lost, and edify the saints.

{3} Patience: Endure suffering "Patience" is required to endure suffering.   Any time we deal with an adverse situation, it could be termed suffering. James uses the prophets as an example, showing us that we're blessed when enduring suffering (Jas. 5:10-11)
Peter also tells that we find favor with God when we bear up under unjust suffering, "For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears under sorrows when suffering unjustly" (1Pt. 2:19)

THOUGHT: It's difficult to endure suffering, especially when suffering unjustly at the hands of sinners. if you put on the right heart, the heart of faithful Christian, you will put on a heart of patience you'll be strengthened with all power according to God glorious might, to patiently overcome every trail in life. 

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August 23, 2022

The Like of Patience
Bible Study 1Sam.13:8-14

The unlawful act that made Saul unfit to be king: being disqualified from serving the LORD. 

Samuel 13:8-14

{1} For some reason, Samuel had delayed his arrival to the battlefield, and Saul became impatient-very impatient (v.8).

Apparently, Samuel had instructed Saul to always wait at least seven days, if possible, before engaging in any military battle.  Seven days would give Samuel time to reach the battlefield to lead the troops in worship and sacrifice and to give spiritual, military guidance to Saul (V.8). Whatever the case, in this particular instance Samuel had definitely instructed Saul to wait seven days for his arrival.
However, some of Saul few remaining troops began to scatter.

{2} In desperation, Saul committed a terrible, unlawful act (v.9). Not waiting for Samuel, he assumed the role of a priest and led the men in worship, offering up the burnt offering.

{3} Just as Saul had finished offering up the burnt sacrifice, Samuel arrived (V.9). Seeing him off in the distance, Saul went out to greet Samuel. Immediately Samuel questioned Saul, asking what he had done. In response, Saul gave four excuses for his unlawful act of disobedience and blamed the troop, Samuel, and the Philistines. His excuses were:
>>>the fleeing of the troop
>>>the delay of Samuel
>>>the massive mobilization of the Philistines >>>the desperate need to seek the Lord favor before the attack of the Philistines was launched against him (v.12)

Saul confessed his fear of facing the Philistines without having sought the LORD's favor. Therefore he felt compelled to offer the burnt offering since Samuel had not yet arrived.

{4} Samuel immediately pronounced God's judgment upon Saul (v.13)
He declared that Saul had acted foolishly, that he had tragically disobeyed the Lord command. He disobeyed by not waiting the seven days (10:8) and by assuming the place of a priest in worship and offering the burnt sacrifices. No crisis could ever justify such an offense against God, such terrible disobedience. Saul had disobeyed God; consequently, he to face the judgment of God. He had to pay the penalty for his disobedience . Samuel pronounced the judgment: Saul was to lose the permanent establishment of his kingdom, the rule of his dynasty in the future. His dynasty or kingdom would not last (v.13)

{5}Saul was to be bypassed and another kingdom or dynasty established. The LORD would thereafter choose another man--"a man after His own heart" to be the leader of His people (v.14)

THOUGHT:  The lesson for us is simple, yet very straightforward:  disobedience disqualifies us from serving the LORD.  (Mt.7:21, 19:21-23, Rom. 8:13, Heb. 10:38)

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Welcome to our Bible Study
August 9, 2022

JAMES 1:3-4

Patience is an important skill most people want to exhibit, but some have more and some have less. Can we learn to increase our patience? Yes, many struggle with anger and lose control of their emotions. Violence can erupt with devastating consequences. These people do not have patience, self-control and humility. Patience is more than waiting to cool down, it is a matter of control. It is endurance with a positive attitude, even in the severe storms of life.

>>>Patience is a gift from God Rom. 15:5,6; Col. 1:11; 2 Thess. 3:5

>>>Patience must be put on, like a robe Col. 3:12

>>>Patience must be pursued, along with righteousness, godliness, faith, love and meekness. 1 Tim. 6:11

>>>Patience is an example to follow 2 Tim. 3:10
Adversity tries to extinguish your Christian light; patience is a test of faith by fire. It is a fight of faith. it is Christian character at its best.  Patience lets your light shine so others may see Jesus Christ in you (Matt. 5:14-16)

I. PATIENCE DEFINES CHARACTER: JOB 1:1 Job is an example of patience in the midst of magnified losses, disappointment, persecution and afflictions. He lost all his family except his impatient wife. He lost his prosperity and finally, his health. God allowed Satan, the accuser of the brethren, to do wickedness in order to test in order to test Job's faith. Job went through an extreme trail for several months. The Bible says Job was perfect and upright; he feared God and hated evil. This is an impressive list of qualities, yet God saw a need to test Job's faith. Why? Like most of us, Job needed another round of "trial by fire" which result in patience (1 Pt. 1:7) What character do you see in Job?

II. PATIENCE DETERMINES DESTINY:  What exactly is patience? The Greek word for patience is hupomone, meaning "cheerful endurance, waiting, steadfastness, forbearance, longsuffering.  It is ongoing endurance in trails, trouble, persecutions, and sorrows. God is our example of true patience (Ex. 34:6, Rom. 15:5, 1Pt. 3:20) Jesus example of patience is seen in the parable of the servant (Matt. 8:24-35, Heb. 12:1-3) Jesus ultimate act of patience endurance was His death on the cross.

III.  A LACK OF PATIENCE DESTROYS KINGDOMS (1 Sam. 13) Patience is something we should seek and practice daily. In the Old Testament, King Saul forfeited his kingdom through his lack of patience. He felt his time had run out. if he had waited an hour or two, he would have stayed in the will of God and possibly retained the kingdom.

>>>Patience helps get your prayers answered (Ps. 40;1)

>>>Patience is necessary in order to obtain many of the promises of God (Heb. 6:12,15)

>>>Patience in tribulation is a Christian characteristic (Rom. 12:12)

>>>Be patience is a command of God (1Thess 5:14)

>>>Patience must finish its work in order to be mature and content (James 1:4)

>>>Patience is a vital part of the Christians growth process (2 Pt. 1:6)
Learn from history and take time to wait on God. In the darkest of life, Jesus is there as intercessor. Wisdom sits side by side with patience. "Patience is the companion of wisdom," St Augustine said. Wisdom helps patience complete its proper work (James 1:5). God promised He will renew those that have the patience to wait on Him (Is. 40:31)

THOUGHT: Job remained steadfast and held patiently to his faith in God. God marvelously delivered him out of all his troubles. Job friends (Job 16;1,2) wrongly accused him, but he never turned from God. He remained patient in adversity.  He knew the power of humility.

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Welcome to Bible Study
June 14, 2022

GOD TESTS US. (Judges 2:22)

If we continue in some sin--continue to walk and live in some sin--God will chastise us and use the chastisement to test us. He will test our faith and commitment, see if we really mean what we profess. God will make sure we really believe in Him, that our confession is genuine. WHY GOD TEST US?

1) God will test in order to prove that our faith in Christ is genuine and that our faith will be to His praise (1 Pt. 1:7)
2) God will test us to expose any wickedness in us (Ps. 17:3, 139:23-24)
3) God will test us in order to purge and purify us ( Mal. 3:3)
4) God will test us in order to humble us and prove whether or not we will keep His commandments (Det. 8:2).
5) God will rest us in order to expose every work or deed we have done (1 Cor. 3:13).
6) God will test us in order to prove just how much we love Him ( Gen. 22:1-2).
7) God will test us in order to strengthen our endurance and perseverance (James 1:2-3).
8) God will test us in order to prove our faith in miracles (John 6:5-6)
8) God will test us in order to refine us, to make us stronger witnesses for Him (Zec. 13:9)
Judges 3:1-6 The purpose testing Israel The purpose of God in testing His people: To see who would really obey and follow Him.
a) The Israelites who were to be tested: Those who had not yet experienced fighting against the enemy--who had not yet conquered any of the promised land. (v.1,2)
b) The lists of enemies who were to test God's people: The five rules of the Philistines & the Canaanites, Sidonians, & Hivites. v.3
c) The purpose of the test: To prove who would really obey the commandments of God V.4). (Jos. 23:11-13)
d) The result of the test: The Israelites failed, disobeyed God (Mt. 7:21, Jn. 14:21,23, Jn.15:10)
1) Lived among the worldly
2) Compromised--inter-married with the worldly
3) Engaged in false worship & idolatry

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June 7, 2022


{1} The repeated cycle of a compromising, inconsistent life: Sin, Chastisement, distress, prayer, deliverance. V.11-13
a. Their terrible sin 1) They forsook the LORD

2) They followed various gods & religions of their neighbors

b. Their Chastisement v.14

1) They provoked the LORD anger against them: Because of their apostasy & false worship served Baal & the Ashoreths.

2) They were defeated & enslaved by their enemies

3) They no longer had the presence of God with them, but rather against them

c. Their great distress .v15

d. Their prayer, a cry out to God (implied) V.18

e. Their deliverance by God: raised up judges, deliverers to save them v. 16

f. Their evil repeated

1) They failed to continue to listen to the judges v.17

2) They prostituted themselves: engaged in false worship V. 17

3) They quickly turned away, disobey God V.17

4) They were repeatedly delivered by the LORD time & time again v.18 >>>
The LORD raised up judges & saved them >>>The reason: He had compassion upon them, their groaning, their crying out to Him

g. Their continued cycle of progressive sin & failure v.19

1) A progressive decline into more & more corruption & false worship

2) A progressive hardening of heart & a refusal to repent

[4] JUDGMENT...The response of God to continued sin: He judges & tests His people. V.20-23

a. God's just charge: The people had violated the covenant & disobeyed Him

b. God's judgment: No more enemies would be driven out, no more of the promised land conquered

c. God test

1) His motives: To test His people, to prove who the real believers were

2) His means of testing: he allowed some enemies, some nations to be left in the promised land why God test us? (1Pt. 1:7, Ps. 17:3, Mal.3:3, De.8:2,1 Cor. 3:13)

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--Israel was caught up in a cycle of a compromising, inconsistent life with the worldliness of their neighbors. This is the subject of this important passage of Scripture: [1] ACCUSATION AGAINST ISRAEL (v.1-5)

{I} The charge of the Lord against His people: Disobedience, compromise & false worship.
a. The angel of the Lord reminded His people of 3 facts ( v.1) >>>His deliverance >>>His gifts of the promised land >>>His faithfulness
b. The Lord's charge (v.2) >>> Disobedience, had broken the covenant with God >>>compromised with the sinful >>>evil lifestyle >>>false worship of the worldly
c. The Lord's chastisement (v.3) they desired the world; thus they would have the world >>>worldly presence >>>world thorns (trails) & snares (temptation)
d. The people's response (v.4,5) >>>They wept loudly >>>They offered sacrifices >>>They named the place: Bokim or "weeping"

THOUGHT: The Lord made a very serious charge against His people, that of disobedience. Disobeying God is a dangerous course to take. (Eph. 5:1-6, 2Th. 1:7-9, Heb. 2:2-3, Dt. 28:15, 1Sam.12:15)

[2] ISRAEL FAILURE OF GOD (v. 2:6-10) There was the rise of a generation who no longer knew nor acknowledged the LORD. The generation of Joshua knew the LORD. They were the generation who first inherited the promised land, and they were faithful in obeying the LORD (v.6-9)
{1} The rise of a generation who no longer knew nor acknowledged the LORD.
a. The generation who first inherited the promised land was faithful & obeyed the LORD
1) The people & leaders who outlived Joshua were faithful
2) Joshua, the servant of the LORD, died at the age of 110
3) Joshua was buried in the land of his inheritance: Timnath Heres

b. The generation that followed Joshua was the generation that soon began to fail God: They no longer knew nor acknowledged the LORD, they ignored & forgot His wonderful works (v.1).

Within just one generation, Israel began to fail God. Within just a few years after conquering and inheriting the promised land, this second generation no longer knew God. They no longer acknowledged nor had a desire to become personally acquainted with God.

THOUGHT:1 The parents and the priests failed to teach the Word of God. The rich customs and tradition of their faith were soon forgotten and religion became a mere formality, a religion without power or true godliness. (2Tim. 3:5, Mt. 23:23, Gal. 4:10-11, Is.29:13)
THOUGHT: 2 There is a striking lesson in this point: children cannot depend on the faith of their parents to save them. just because a parent is saved by God does not mean that a child will be saved. Having Christian parents, living in a so-called Christian nation, attending a dynamic church where the truth of God's Word is preached, none of this is assurance that a person will know God and be saved. Every individual has to receive Jesus Christ personal experience. (Acts. 2:21, Rom. 10:13, Gal. 3: 26-29, 1 Tim. 2:4)

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May 24, 2022

The Parable of the Unjust Steward: Man and Money Luke 16:1-13 Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

INTRODUCTION: The steward was a trusted slave who was put in charge of the landowner's estate. He was highly regarded and esteemed, considered to be completely trustworthy. The term "steward" is applied to ministers (1 Cor. 4:1) and to believers in general.

[1] (v.1-7) UNJUST STEWARD: in the parable itself Jesus said four things about the unjust steward.

{1} The steward was charged with embezzlement, with wasting the Lord's "good" The steward was in charge of the Lord's property, of all the Lord's goods. Therefore it was easy for him to use the goods for his own purposes just as he desired. God has given every man some "goods" talents, house, money, duty, and a host of other goods. (Lk. 19:13, 1 Cor. 4:2, 1 Pt. 4:10)

{2} v.2 The steward was required to prepare a final accounting. Two facts are important in this point.
(a) The Lord hears that the steward has been misusing His "good" The Lord had only heard about the embezzlement. The full evidence against the servant was not yet fully known. The Lord gave the steward a chance to prove his trust and faithfulness. The accounting did not mean that the steward would be dismissed from the Lord's estate (heaven, Kingdom of God), only that he must prove his trust and faithfulness too.
{b} The final accounting is at death (Heb. 9:27). if the steward is found to have been untrustworthy, he will be dismissed and discharged from the Lord's estate (kingdom, heaven, eternal life. note Matt. 19:23-24)

THOUGHT 1. Death will take us away from all our earthly goods. If our accounting justifies us, then we shall be given a much greater responsibility an eternal responsibility, for the Lord. (Mt. 25:19, Lk.19:15, Rom. 14:12)

{3} v.3 The steward knew he was guilty and was unwilling to change or ask for mercy. note two things.

(a) The words "what shall I do...? The steward knew he was guilty and that the Lord was going to dismiss him.

(b) The steward thought over what he should do. he reasoned out two courses of action.
>>>He could dig. However, he was not willing to dig, not willing to be demoted to a field laborer and to serve in such a low capacity. >>>He could beg. However, he was too proud to leave the Lord and openly beg. He was too proud to beg forgiveness of the Lord, too proud to be known as a repentant embezzler (sinner). (Pr. 28:13, Is. 29:15, Is.30:1) {4} v.4,5 The steward decided what to do: he would forget the Lord and court the favor and return of men. He did what he could to secure the acceptance and favor of men.

{a} He led them to be dishonest, to dismiss and lower their debts to the Lord. They were led to embezzle and hold back some of their goods. The steward was in a responsible position and misled others. (HOW MANY RELIGIONISTS MISLED OTHERS THROUGH FALSE TEACHING, CAUSE SO MANY NOT TO USE THEIR LIVES AND GIFTS FOR GOD.)

{b} This act stole from the Lord; it stole the goods (life and gifts) of others from the Lord.

{c} The steward misled others to benefit himself, to secure his position and lively hood. And he did it in a most shrewd way, a way that was pleasing and profitable to the debtors. (Lk. 16:6-7) A MEASURE OF OIL WAS ABOUT 8 3/4 GALLONS. THEREFORE, THE PAYMENT WAS A SIZEABLE 800 GALLONS. THE MEASURE OF WHEAT WAS ABOUT 10 BUSHELS. THIS TOO WAS SIZEABLE, ABOUT 1,000 BUSHELS. (Mal. 2:8, Rom. 14:13) [2] (V.8) WORLDLY MATERIALISM: the worldly are move wisely in their material pursuits than God's people are in their spiritual pursuits.

{a} Jesus said the unjust steward did "wisely" >>>He looked out for himself, his personal welfare. >>>He was dedicated and sold out to taking care of his future Jesus was not commending the steward for cunning deceit. He commends him for his concern about the future and his dedication and energy. The steward was sold out to pursuing a goal, and that part of his life was commendable. His mistake was being sold out to pursuing material wealth and comfort instead of Christ.

{b} Jesus said the worldly are wiser "in their generation" than believers. Why? Because they dedicate so much energy and effort to caring for their earthly welfare. Every disciple should be just as dedicated and sold out in spiritual pursuits as the worldly are in their material pursuits. (Lk. 9:23-24, Rom. 12;1, Pr. 3:5) [3] (V.9) MATERIALISM, WEALTH: the Christian is to use material wealth for good. The Christian is not being told to seek the friendship of the wealthy; he is being told to use his wealth to help others. By so helping, the disciple will gain friends and influence them for Christ. (Mt. 6:20, 19:21, Lk. 12:33) [4] (V.10-12)

REWARD: The Christian is to be faithful in handling possessions, for his faithfulness determines what he will be trusted with eternally.
>>>Money and possessions are the least trusts given to a person (v.10). They are nothing compared to eternal salvation and to love, joy, peace, and the absolute assurance and confidence of life eternal. >>>Unfaithfulness in the use of money and possessions disqualifies a person from true, heavenly riches. A person may think his life and possessions are his own to do with as he wills, but they are not. His life and possessions are God's. God has trusted the person with life and possessions only as long as he is on this earth. The holder is only a steward of all he is and has, he cannot take his life or possessions with him out of this world when he dies. >>>Unfaithfulness disqualifies a person from all he would receive. The other man in verse 12 refers to God. Our lives and possessions are His. If we are not faithful in using them, how can we expect to be compensated? (Matt. 25:27-29, Mk. 8:36, 1 Cor. 3:13-15)

[5] (V.13) SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE: The Christian cannot serve two masters; he must choose God or riches. Note three things:
{1} There are two masters in life, either God or the things and riches of this world.
{2} A person serves one of the two masters. He gives himself either to one or the other {3} A person struggles against God or else struggles against the things and riches of the world. No man can serve both God and mammon.
>>>He hates the one and loves the other >>>he holds to one and despises the other (Mt. 4:10, 1 Cor. 10:21, 1 King 18:21, Josh. 24:15)

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May 10, 2022

THE MESSIAH REASON FOR SPEAKING IN PARABLE . MATT. 13:10-17 Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

INTRODUCTION--at this point in Jesus' ministry He made a significant change in His method of teaching. He began to speak in parables that were difficult to understand especially when unbelievers were present. Why would He speak so that His audience could not understand what He was saying? Three conclusions can be drawn from what Jesus said.

{1}The unbelieving crowds were deliberately shutting their eyes and ears to His to claim and refusing to be converted and healed spiritually (v. 13-15).
{2} it was time to teach the "mysteries of the kingdom of heaven" to true disciples. The mysteries would be understood by true disciples, but they would be misunderstood by those who deliberately blinded their eyes and deafened their ears.
{3} The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven cannot be understood without first recognizing Jesus as the Messiah and as the One who bring the Kingdom of heaven to men. [1] (v.10-11) PARABLE: Why did Jesus speak in parable?
Note five points:
{1} Note the words, "Why speakest thou unto them in parable?" The disciples knew the people did not understand, and Jesus was not explaining the parable. (1 Cor. 2:7) THOUGHT1. We should always be concerned over the way the Word is preached and taught and the way people receive the Word. Are they listening and growing, or are they disinterested and stymied?

{2} Jesus made a very general statement. God gives believers the understanding of spiritual things, the mysteries of the Kingdom, but the mysteries of the kingdom are not given to unbelievers. God will reveal things to a person who really believers in Him and draws near Him, things that he cannot reveal to a person who ignores, neglects, and cares nothing about God. Therefore, Christ puts it very simply: It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them [unbelievers] it is not given. God does not reward unbelief; He reward belief and trust. (Matt. 13:35)

{3} There are "mysteries" in the kingdom of heaven. >>>the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ (Matt. 1:16) >>>the death of Christ on the cross for man (Mt. 27:26-56) >>>man's sinfulness and his dead spirit due to sin (Rom. 3:9-19) >>>the future resurrection (1 Cor.15:51)

{4} The mysteries of heaven have to be revealed by God. Man cannot know them by human reason; they have to be given, that is, revealed.

{5} The mysteries of heaven are given, revealed to believers only. ( Jn. 14:26, 1Cor. 2:12-13, 1Jn. 2:27)

[2] (v.12) COMMITMENT: the first reason Christ spoke in parable is that seekers and achievers receive more. Therefore He wanted to stir all men to seek and to achieve more and more. Seekers and achievers do receive and get more. The non- dreamer and complacent receive little and get less. >>>It is the law of nature: the early bird gets the worm; the early get and survive; the late get little and suffer. >>>It is the law of man: men reward energy and effort, result and production. >>>It is the law of God. (Mt. 5:6, Lk. 16:10, Mt. 6:33)

THOUGHT 1 check out this formula >>>Perspective + initiative = success >>>Perspective - initiative = lost opportunity >>>Initiative - perspective = nothing
By PERSPECTIVE is meant the ability to see, envision, dream, understand. It is the ability to see clearly; to envision opportunity.
By INITIATIVE is meant acting at the right time. A person must act, but act at the right time. It is the person who has God's perspective (vision) and God's energy (spirit) who achieves and has all and does all that God purposes for him.

[3] (v.13-15) REJECTION-UNBELIEF: the second reason Christ spoke in parable is that unbelievers reject and lose more and more Note three things:
{1} The unbelievers rejection is willful, always deliberate. he sees and hears, yet he refuses to really open his eyes and ears. He refuses to understand. But why? Why does a person act so illogically, rebel and refuse to understand? Christ said, "This people heart is waxed gross" (v.15). Christ was therefore saying this: the unbelievers has become so sensual and senseless, that he rebels and refuses to understand the mysteries of God. His sensuality is due to worldliness and lust for the things of the world (Rom. 8:5-8, 1Jn. 2:15-16) and his senselessness is due to being deceived by the evil one (2Cor. 4:3-4).
{2} The unbelievers rejection is prophesied (Is. 6:9-10, Jn. 12:40). A man who willfully rejects God experiences a judicial blindness and rejection by God. (Rom. 1:24,26,28, Ps. 81:11-12, Pr. 29:1)
{3} Note the clear description of the unbelievers rejection. >>>They harden their hearts >>>They deafen their ears >>>They close their eyes >>>They deny what they see >>>They refuse understand Why do men reject Christ? (Jn.3:19, Ps. 52:3, 2Th. 2:12)
[4] (v. 16-17) PRIVILEGES OF BELIEVERS: the third reason Christ spoke in parable is that believers receive and are blessed with more. The blessing of God include the greatest possessions imaginable: love, joy, peace, assurance, confidence, and eternal security. The blessing of God Come from seeing and hearing, that is, from conversion and spiritual healing, not from the things that men desire (Jn.10:10; 14:27; 15:11) New Testament believers are much privileged than Old Testament because of Christ. (1 Cor. 2;9-10, Col. 1:26-27, 1Jn. 2:20)

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April 26, 2022

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares: The question of Evil, Why it Exists. Matt. 13:24-30
Bible Study: Pastor Terry L. Davis

Some of man's basic questions about the presence of evil in the world and judging others are covered in this parable. This parable describes the Kingdom of Heaven.

[2] (V.24, 37-38) JESUS CHRIST, MISSION: a man sows good seed. the man is Christ, the Son of Man (v.37); the good seed are the righteous (v.43), the children of the kingdom (v.38) the field is the world.

Note two things:

{1} What the man, Christ, does. His work is to sow righteous people in the world. (Matt. 20:28, Lk. 19:10)

{2} The man, Christ, owns the world. The world is the "his field. (Jn. 1:3, Col. 1:16,Heb. 1:2) [3] (V.25, 38-29) SATAN: an enemy sow tares, the enemy is the devil (v.39) the liar, the deceiver, the one who struggles against the truth. The tares are the children of the devil or the wicked one (v.38).

{1} Note what the enemy (the devil) does. His work is to sow wicked or lawless people in the world and to do it secretly so that they will be unnoticed (v.38). he came while men slept (v.25). They were...unconscious, too busy, too unconcerned, unware too preoccupied, too enticed with pleasure and other affairs. THE DEVIL OPERATED UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS AND DECEPTION. (Acts 5:3, Jn. 8:43-45, 2Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:2)

{2} The enemy (the devil) sows in the same field as the Lord. The bad are sown among the good. The devil's method is counterfeit and imitation. Some within the world and within the church have not been sown by the Lord. They may be in the world and in the church; they may even look like they belong to Him, but they not. (2 Cor. 11:13-15)

THOUGHT 1. The devil is a sworn enemy to Christ, to the world, and to all good. He is the sworn enemy of man, to his peace, and to the fulfillment of his purpose and life on earth.. (Rev. 12:9)

THOUGHT 2. One reason so many tares are sown is because so many righteous are sleeping when they should be watching over the field (V.25). Satan never sleeps; he is ever awake for every opportunity. (1 Pt. 5:8)

THOUGHT 3. Note the words, "He went his way" Satan does not want to be known as the sower of the wicked men. In fact he want the wicked to disclaim him, never to confess that he is their "father." (Tit. 1:16, Jn. 8:44) [4] (V.26)

PROFESSION ONLY: a day for bearing fruit always comes. it comes for every professing Christian. The tares themselves were called 'darnel" some form of plant or wild corn that was slightly poisonous and narcotic. When eaten it would cause dizziness and nausea. It was called bastard wheat. Its roots became intertwined method used to get rid of it was to let it grow and then harvest it with the wheat. It was then separated from the wheat, bundled together, and cast into a flaming fire. (Mt. 7: 17, Gal. 5:19-21, Gal. 5:22-23)

THOUGHT 1. A person's nature always comes out eventually. A tare shows itself. A wicked person may profess to be righteous, but a life of selfishness and unrighteousness will eventually take hold. The profession may continue, but so will the life of wickedness.

[5] (V.27-30) QUESTION, EVIL: a day of questioning comes. There is the question concerning tares or evil in the world. >>>Where does evil come from? >>>If there is a God, why is evil allowed to continue? At this particular stage of the disciple's growth, Jesus simply states that evil persons are present, that someone who is an enemy to God plants them. Scripture reveals that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, is the original Sower or Creator. he is the Master and Owner of the field or world. He create man to be perfect, that is in His own image; and planted within man a spirit to do right (Gen.1;26) But immediately after creation, the other sower, the devil, went right to work. He began with Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1); and ever since, he has sown nothing but tares, the unrighteous, among God "good seed."

THOUGHT 1. Evil is of great concern to the righteous. We must always be before the Lord dealing with the presence of evil and our responsibility toward it.

THOUGHT 2. Note who is to blame for wicked people in God's kingdom and church. It is not God's servant but the devil who is responsible. God servant is not at fault for hypocrites in the church; he is not the blamed for hypocrites.

(Mk. 2:17, 2 Pt.3:9) [6] (v.30) JUDGMENT: the day of harvest is coming (1 Cor. 4:5, Jas. 4:12)

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April 19, 2022

The Parable of the Elder Son: The Self-Righteous Religionist. Luke 15:25-32 
Pastor Terry L. Davis

INTRODUCTION--this passage is about the second son of the father. The elder son represents the self-righteous religionist--the moral, the just, the good, the man who has never committed gross and visible sin. He is religious and does religious works; therefore, he feels and believes he is acceptable to God. In this parable Jesus pointed out five faults with the self-righteous religionist.

[1] (V. 25-27) The first fault of the religionist is his tragic position. HE WAS "IN THE FIELD" AWAY FROM THE HOUSE. He was in the field of religion, but not in the house of salvation. He was unaware of his father's affairs.

{a} The elder son was IN THE FIELD of the father. he was working diligently, looking after the responsibilities of the field. So it is with the religionist. He is working diligently at the field of religious things: services, rituals, ceremonies, ordinances. He even uses religious talk and terms in his daily conversation. He attends services and prays and talk as much as he needs to satisfy his conscience.

{b} The elder son was in the field, not in the HOUSE OF THE FATHER. He did not know what was going on in the house (salvation and repentance), only what was happening in the field (of religion). When he looked at the CELEBRATION of repentant sinners, he questioned. he did not understand. He had to ask what the celebration meant (what the celebration of repentance and salvation meant). (2 Tim.3:5, Mt. 23:23, Gal. 4:10-11, 2Tim. 1:9)

[2] (V.28) THE SECOND FAULT OF THE RELIGIONIST IS HIS TRAGIC REJECTION OF GOD. He shuts himself out. Note the son un the field became angry at the repentant son who was now in the father house. he did not understand repentance, how a man who had been immoral, dirty, and unclean could change so much. The claims of being safe and secure and the sound of celebration and testimony disturbed the son in the field. Note the terrible jealousy and envy in the heart of the elder son. He was jealous of the treatment, of the fruit and blessing being given to the prodigal son. (Mt. 23:13, Is. 29:13-14. Mk. 7:6)

[3] (V.29) THE THIRD FAULT OF THE RELIONIST IS HID TRAGIC SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. Note the elder son claimed three things.

{a} he claimed to be religious: "I serve thee" the religionist does serve God through religious things: he worship, prays, tithes, witness, read his bible, and teach.

{b} He claimed to be moral and just: "Neither transgressed I at any timothy commandment." He never committed immorality, not any other dirty or unclean act that could be visibly or publicly seen.

{c} He felt he deserved more, that he was not recognized enough: "Thou never gavest a kid," He felt he did not get enough, that he deserved more than those who were now filled with so much spiritual food and celebration. Note what the religionist lacks: faith (Matt. 23:23).  He does not trust the Father love and judgment, His plan of salvation and repentance for all. (Matt. 7:22-23, Gal. 2:16, Matt. 23:28)  

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April 12, 2022

The Parable of the Prodigal Son:
The Wayward Son, Luke 15:11-24 Bible Study:
Pastor Terry L. Davis

The parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the greatest and most-beloved story ever told in human language. God loves and reaches out to the most prodigal of men, and He run to embrace any prodigal son who repents and returns home. God forgives His prodigal son and restores him, no matter how terrible the sin and failure of the prodigal.

(V.11-13) [1] SELFISHNESS: the prodigal said :Give me" the son was a child of the father by birth. He belonged to the estate of the father by natural birth. But it is clear from what follows that the son did not belong to the father in heart, mind, or spirit. The prodigal wanted two things.

{1} He said, "Give me my inheritance." he wanted money and the things and possessions of the estate which he was to inherit. He wanted to get all the Father would give him so that he could enjoy it now.


>>>He had not earned it, not yet; therefore, he did not deserve it.

>>>He was selfish and self-centered, rude and unkind. He said, "Give me," not "Please" nor "May I have." The effect upon his father and the estate was of little, if any concern to the prodigal. (Mk. 4:19, Lk. 12:15, 2 Tim. 3:1-2, Hos. 10:1)

{2} He said, "Give me my independence." This is what the prodigal was really after. the right to his own life. He was tied down to the father's property and was held responsible for the care of the property. He wanted to live on his own life, to do his own thing. The father gave the son his freedom and possessions. The son was able to do what he wanted with his life and goods (abilities, talents, money, things). All was placed into the son hands. He could use his life and what he had as he wished without any interference from the father. (2 Pt. 2:10, Pr. 28:14, Acts 7:51)

{3} THE PRODIGAL WASTED HIS LIFE IN RIOTOUS LIVING. >>> He left his father, he rebelled and revolted and journey to a far country. He chose a country that was drastically different from his father, a country that was full of drunkenness, partying and immorality, selfishness and greed, sin and shame.

>>>He lived a worldly, fleshly life-living for the pleasure of this life only. "Riotous living" means loose, reckless, wild, extravagant living. (Lk. 8:14, Lk. 12:19, Gal. 5:19-21,Tit. 3:3, 2 Pt. 2:13)

[2] (V.14-16) SPIRITUAL POVERTY: the prodigal son met the day when he suffered and was in want. He suffered five things.

{1} He suffered being DESTITUTE. He "spent all" He wasted and misused...his mind, property, money, purpose, body and soul. The prodigal had nothing on earth to help him. He had wrapped his life up in the pleasure and security of the world; but now when they were gone there was nothing left to help him. He stood bare, empty, alone, and destitute. He had not looked to God nor trusted and honored God with his life and goods. Therefore, he was destitute of all spiritual help, left out in the world all alone, having "spent all." (Rom. 6:21,23; Eph. 2;12, Rev. 3:17 Hos. 10:13, Amos 8:11-12)

{2} He suffered NATURAL DISASTER. A famine struck. This refers to all the severe trails and disasters in life because of the very nature of the world. It may be storm, sickness, accident, death. Whatever it is, it is disastrous and causes great loss. Again, the prodigal son was all alone without God's presence; therefore, he had to face the disaster without God's care and help. ( Matt 7:26-27, 1 Cor. 3:13)

{3} He suffered ENSLAVEMENT and HUMILIATION: (V.15) a Jew was forbidden by law to be attached to a Gentile. a man of a "far country." But even disregarding this prohibition, the humiliation of cleaning hog pens was a horrible pain for a formerly fine young rich man to suffer. There are three picture here...

(1) the picture of being spiritually and emotionally and mentally drained. He ran out of spiritual strength, spent his inheritance.

(2) the picture of attaching himself and becoming enslaved to a person of a "far country." Being spiritually drained, he sought refuge with a man of a "far country" a man away from God.

(3) the picture of sin leading and enslaving a man to the "hog pens" of the world. (John 8:34, Rom 6:16, 2 Tim. 2:21, 2 Pt. 2:19) [3] (V.17-19) REPENTANCE: the prodigal came to himself, snapped out of his insanity, back to reality. "He came to himself" means a person is away from God, to be mad, insane, living in an unreal world. when he came to himself, he said, he begin to think to himself.

>>>He thought upon his Father (God) and His enormous provision...The prodigal remembered how his father had been able to provide for all. He remembered the sense of belonging, of being a family and fellowshipping together among all the servants of God. He remembered the great provision of love and joy and peace

>>>He thought upon his plight: (V.17) "I perish" the meaning is both now and future. (a) he was perishing now: empty, lonely, unhappy, humiliated, destitute, without family and friends. (b) he was doomed to perish eternally.

>>>He thought about humbling himself. Humbling himself would involve two thing.

(a) Repenting. "arise" that is, turn from and leave the far country, and go to his father. These are the steps involved in repentance... … arising, getting up. … turning away from one's sinful life. … turning toward and moving toward God.

(b) Confessing. The prodigal would have to confess … his sin … his unworthiness to be called God's son. ( Matt. 5:6, Jn. 7:37, Ps. 42:2, Ps. 63:1) [4] (V.20-21) CONFESSION: the prodigal arose and returned to his father. This was the greatest of moments for the prodigal, the most momentous event in the life of any sinner. The prodigal returned to God: he sought reconciliation with his Father.

(a) He repented: he did get up and turn from his sinful life and go to his Father. He was no longer just thinking about it; he was now repenting and going to the Father. (Acts 3:19, Acts 8:22, Is. 55:7, Zech 1:3)

(b) He was accepted even before he confessed. This is a significant point to note. Repentance is the sign that we are sincere when we confess, and God knows we are sincere when He sees us actually turn from our wicked ways. He forgives when we repent, when we truly want Him to forgive. This is the reason the Father runs to meet His son. (Ps. 34:18, 51:17, 66:2)

(c) He confessed. He needed to confess his terrible evil: that he had rebelled, rebelled, rejected, and sinned against the Father. He had sinned against heaven, all that heaven stood for in all its righteousness and godliness; and sinned in the sight of God going against all that the Father stood for. (1Jn. 1:9, Pr. 28:13, Jer.3:13)

[5] (V.22-24) FORGIVENESS---RESTORATION: The prodigal was accepted and restored. But note: he would not have been accepted and restored if he had not returned. The key to being accepted by God is repentance.

(1) The Father restored him.

{a} The "ROBE" restored him to a position of sonship and honor. It symbolized being clothed with righteousness of Christ. ( 2 Cor. 5:21, Rom. 13;14, Eph. 4;24)

{b} The "RING" restored him to a position of authority. The son was now to represent the father and his kingdom. (Gal. 4:6-7 Rev. 3:21, Tit 3:7)

{c} The "SHOES" immediately restored and elevated him above servanthood, which means he became a free man. The son was now shod with shoes to carry the gospel of peace whenever he went. (Rom. 6:18, Gal.5:13, 1 Pt.2:16)

{d} The "CELEBRATION" pictures reconciliation, full acceptance, and the great joy of the occasion. (Tit. 3:4-7)

(2) The father fed the son and celebrated his son return. There was celebration and great joy over the son return. (Eph.2:7, Ph. 4:19)

(3) The Father proclaimed His son new life

{a} He was dead and is alive again. (Jn.3:16, Jn. 5:24, Eph. 2;1, 1Pt. 1;23)

{b} He was lost and now found. (Is. 53:6, Lk.19:10, 1Pt. 2:24-25)

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Welcome to Bible Study
April 5, 2022

The parable of the Lost Coin: The Lost Sinner Within the House
Luke 15:8-10;
Bible Study
Pastor Terry L Davis

--this passage is often preached and taught right alone with the Parable of the Lost Sheep. The lost sheep was lost out in the wilderness of the world, whereas the lost coin was loin was lost in the house.

[1] (V.8) LOST COIN: the lost coin represents the unbeliever, the sinner who is lost in the within house, the family member who has gone astray and is lost to both God and the mother.
>>> The coin was silver, of extreme worth, and greatly desired
>>>The coin was lost and doomed to be lost forever if not found

[2] (V.8) THE COIN WAS LOST BECAUSE OF OTHERS. This is a striking picture of the responsibility family members have for one another. A coin (person) within the home is lost in one of four ways.

{1} Ignoring the coin. It is set aside and forgotten. little if any thought is given to it. Being to busy, not knowing it value.

{2} Neglecting the coin. A person can know the coin is there and know its value, yet neglect it. he can just fail to pay attention to the coin for such a long period of time that he forget where it is.

{3} Carelessly handling the coin. It was badly handled, dropped, and lost

{4} Unconsciously placing the coin someplace. Placing the coin can be unplanned; therefore, little attention is given to it. A person just goes about his daily affairs without ever planning any use for the coin (purpose). Eventually, it is forgotten. ( Tit. 2:4-5, Dt. 6:7, Dt. 11:19, 2 Cor. 12:14, Pr. 22:6)

[3] THE COIN, ALTHOUGH LOST IN THE HOUSE, WAS LOST IN THE DUST AND DIRT OF THE FLOOR. The dust and dirt was slowly covering and tarnishing it in its filth. Being Lost the coin was...

>>>useless unable to contribute to the family needs

>>>helpless unable to fulfill its purpose.

>>>stepped upon and walked upon: down upon the floor covered with dust and dirt, it was not seen.

>>>The coin was not aware it was lost (Dt. 12:30) (Pr. 29:15, Jer. 9:14, Ezk. 20:18-19)

[4] THE COIN WAS SOUGHT UNTIL FOUND....She lit a candle, for the house of that day were very dark. Most had only one small window less than two feet across. The light represents Christ, the Light of the World. The woman turned to Christ to bring light to her dark house. The light also represents the light of her life, that is, her trust in the righteous of God (Mt. 5:14, Jn. 12:35:36)

>>>The woman swept the house (Lost in the dirt and filth)

>>>The woman searched the house (diligently)

>>>The coin very purpose and usefulness in life depended upon being found and saved from the dirt of the earth. The woman did not give up. (Lk. 19:10, Jn. 9:34-35, Rev. 3:19-20)

[5] (V.9) THE JOY OF SALVATION: the coin once found, brought great joy. … the woman prayers and efforts payed off. She found her lost coin. … the woman called her friends and neighbors together for a glorious celebration. she wanted those dearest to her to share in the joyful moment.

[6] (V.10) REPENTANCE: the coin represented a repentant sinner. … The sinner who is found is a man who repents (Acts 17:29-30) … God and all the angels rejoice greatly when a sinner repents. (Acts 2:38, Is. 55:7) 

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Welcome to Bible Study
March 29, 2022

The Parable of the Lost Sheep: The Lost Sinners out in the World Luke 15: 1-7:
Bible Study Pastor Terry L. Davis Introduction:
Chapter 15
is one of the most important chapters in all the Bible. It includes three of the most famous parable ever told. The parables deal with the lost sinner and the great love of God in seeking and receiving the lost sinner when the sinner repents and returns home.

: tax-collectors and sinners drew near unto Jesus. They all drew near to Him. This shows two things.

>>>They were hungry for His message. They were not coming out of curiosity, nor to observe, nor to seek physical blessing; they were coming out of a spiritual need, out of the need to receive His message of salvation.
>>>They acknowledged their great need. Publicans that is, tax-collectors, worked for the Roman government, the nation that had conquered Israel. Therefore, they were considered traitors to both Israel and God. All these were sinners, traitors to both God and man, and they knew it. So when Christ came along preaching deliverance from sin and hope of the kingdom of God, they flocked to Him. (V.2) The attitude of the religionists was tragic. They grumbled against Jesus because he associated and ate with such terrible sinners. They felt it was beneath the dignity of any respectable person to associate with such vile sinners. (2Cor. 6:17-18, Mk. 16:15)

[2] (V.4) SHEEP: the sheep was lost. The sheep represent the unbeliever, the sinner who wanders out in the wilderness of the world, the person who has gone astray and is lost to God. The word LOST mean to perish, to destroy, to lose eternal life, to be spiritually destitute, to be cut off.


{1} The sheep is attracted by something out in the wilderness, away from the flock of the shepherd. What the sheep sees is more attractive and appealing. It tempts and seduces him, and he lusts after it. ( 1John 2:16) 

{2} The sheep is aimless, not paying attention to what is going on. It aimless wanders off, and while it is getting lost, the sheep does not know it is losing its way. the sheep is already lost when it discovers It has lost its way. 

{3} The sheep refuses to heed the warning of the shepherd and the other sheep ( the pride of life 1 John. 2:16) 

{4} The sheep is not attached enough to the shepherd or the other sheep. There is not a bond or union there should be. Therefore, he stay off by himself, eating and resting and working alone until eventually he wanders off without anyone knowing it, including himself (Heb. 10:25)

{5} The sheep does not trust the shepherd. It does not think the shepherd will take care and see that there is satisfying food. It goes astray in search of greater pasture and more satisfying food. (Is. 53:6, Pr. 21:6, 2 Pt. 2:15, Jer. 2:13) 

[4] (V.4) THE SHEEP WAS LOST IN THE WILDERNESS.....the wilderness had excitement about. The wilderness and the thrills of the world do attract a person. The world stimulates and arouse a man...(1John. 2:16, Gal. 5:19-21, Jer. 50:6, Matt. 9:36, Ezk. 34:6)

[5] THE SHEEP WAS SOUGHT UNTIL FOUND (V.4) Four things >>>The lost sheep was sought. The shepherd left the ninety-nine to seek the one lost sheep. the ninety-nine were safe; they were already in the shepherd fold. But the one sheep was lost. It was the one that needed to be sought. >>>The search was urgent. The shepherd went after that which was lost. he was gripped with concern. he went after the lost sheep as though it were the only one. Note the shepherd dedication and commitment to seeking the lost. >>>The shepherd sought until he found the sheep. He sought and kept on seeking until he found the lost sheep. he never slackened, never backed off, never gave up. >>>When the shepherd found the sheep, he embraced the sheep and threw it over his shoulders and received it with open arms (Is.53:4-6, 1Pt. 2:25, Ps. 119:176)

[6] (V.5-6) RESULT, SALVATION: once found, the sheep brought great joy. Note what the shepherd did. >>>He called all his neighbors together, He wanted everyone to know that the lost sheep had been found. >>>Everyone rejoiced because the shepherd's labor was not in vain. >>>The shepherd tenderly called the lost sheep "my sheep" my sheep which was lost. It was his, no matter how dirty, fifty, unclean, destitute or lost it had been it was still the shepherd sheep. SALVATION IS NOT THE WORK OF THE ANGEL, GOD SENT HIS SON (Is. 53:4-6, 10-12, John 3:16, Lk. 19:10)

[7] (V.7) REPENTANCE: the sheep represents a repentant sinner. A sinner must repent (Acts 17:30, Acts 2:38, Acts3:19) 

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March 8, 2022

Supreme Requirements of Obedience
Deut. 10:12-22

[1] [vv.12-15]
What does the LORD God require of you? Allegiance is an absolute necessity. Moses shouted out we must pledge allegiance to the LORD. But what does allegiance mean: What is it exactly that the LORD God requires (vv.12-13)

{a} we must fear the Lord (v.12). To fear mean to reverence and honor the LORD, to hold Him in such high esteem that we worship Him. To fear also means to respect the justice and judgment of God. A person who pledges his allegiance to the LORD is a person who fears the LORD.

{b} We must walk in all the ways of God (v.12). There are many ways in life that a person can take. There is the way of worldliness and of the flesh; the way of greed and of possessions; the way of pride and unbelief. there are many, many ways to walk throughout this life. But God demands that we walk in all His ways, that we totally dedicate our live to Him, commit ourselves wholeheartedly to His ways.

{c} We must love the LORD (v.12). To love God means that we adore and cherish Him; that he is ever so precious to us and that we want a deep, intense, intimate relationship with Him; that we are devoted and attached to Him and that we hold Him ever so near and dear to our heart.

{d} We must serve the LORD with all our hearts and souls (v.12). To serve God means to minister and meet the needs of people; to meet their need for the necessities of life such as food, housing, and clothing. To serve God also means to bear strong witness and testimony for Him.

{e} we must keep, obey His commandments (v.13). To pledge allegiance to the LORD means obedience, that we do exactly what He commands, that we keep every single commandment.

[1b] Why does God demand allegiance? Why must we pledge our allegiance to the LORD? Moses answered the question (vv.14-15)

{a} The fact that God is the glorious Creator and possessor of the universe is the reason we owe our allegiance to Him(v.14). It was God who created the universe, both the earth and all the bodies hanging in outer space.

{b} The fact that God, the Supreme Owner of the universe, stooped down to love us and chose us to be His people is the reason we owe our allegiance to Him (v.15) (Pr. 3:5, Lk. 9:23, Deut. 6:5)

[2] Circumcise or cut sin out of your heart (16-19) What does the Lord God require of you? Second, circumcise or cut sin Do not be stiff-necked, stubborn of your heart. You must be operated upon, undergo a "spiritual circumcision" (Col. 2:9-12). Spiritual surgery must be performed on you. The sins of the old nature and of the old life must be removed. Why must the people circumcise or cut the sin out of their heart? Moses told the people why. Because God, is supreme, transcendent over all. The LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords He is the great God, might and awesome (v.17). (Eph. 4:24-32, Col. 3:5-13)

THOUGHT: What does the ritual of circumcision say to believers today? >>>Jesus Christ has performed a spiritual circumcision upon believers, cutting away the old sinful nature of the believers But He cut away more than just a piece of flesh; He performs radical surgery: He cuts away the whole body of sin, all the sin which the believers has committed and for which he stand guilty (Col. 2:11-12).

>>>CIRCUMCISION--God's true is of the heart not of the flesh. Yes, circumcision was to be a sign, but a sign of spiritual truth, a sign that a person heart belonged to God. (Rom. 2:28-29, Deut. 10:16, Deut. 30:6) [3] Draw Near to God (vv.20-22) What does the LORD God require of you? Third, keep close to God: fear, serve, cling (hold fast) to God. Moses gave two reasons why a person must stay close to God. >>>Because God is the LORD your praise, your God(v.21) He has chosen you and set you apart to be His followers, you are, therefore, to honor and praise Him.

>>>Because Good has saved you from Egypt, from all the bondages and enslavement of this world. Moreover, God is fulfilling His promises to the forefathers and to you. He has multiplied your seed, your descendants from seventy persons to over three million (Gen. 46:27, Num.1:46) (Gal. 5:1, Heb. 10:22-23, Jas. 4:8) 

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March 1, 2022


Moses warned the people against provoking God time and again. God goes forgive His people foe disobedience and rebellion, but once forgiven, He expect His people to change their behavior. But this was not true with the Israelites. Time and again they disobeyed and rebelled against God. Throughout this passage, note the mercy of God as well as the continued disobedience of the people.

[1] (vv.22-23) Moses give major examples of disobedience. >>>
At Taberah, the people complained and grumbled over their hardships and suffered the judgment of God (Num. 11:1-3). >>>At Massah, the people grumbled and distrusted God because they had no water, and they threatened to stone Moses (Ex. 17:1-7). >>>At Kibroth Hattaavah the people again grumbled against God, distrusting Him because they were tired of the heavenly food provided by God (the manna) and they lusted after the food of Egypt (Num. 11:4-35). >>>At Kadesh Barnea, the sins of disobedience and rebellion reached their summit. God had instructed the people to go up and possess the promised land, but the people refused. They rebelled against God. This was the final rebellion that God would tolerate from the first generation of believers. They refused to enter the promised land, choosing to remain in the desert. So in the desert they would remain. The judicial judgment of God fell: they reaped exactly what they had sown. They were condemned to wander about and die in the desert, barred forever from the promised land (Num. 13:1-14:45). {v.24} The people did not trust God nor obey Him, they were guilty of continued disobedience and rebellion against God, guilty of provoking God time and again.

THOUGHT: The Israelites were gripped with a spirit of unbelief. They simply did not trust God nor obey Him. The Scripture warns us against the spirit of unbelief and of false profession. ( Matt. 7:21, Mk.7:6, Tit. 1:16)

[2] (vv.25-29) THE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: It was intercessory prayer that saved God's people.
At the golden calf incident, God saved the Israelites only because Moses interceded on their behalf. God had already pronounced the judgment, and He was on the verge of executing the sentence. But Moses prostrated himself before the Lord and prayed for the people. {a} Moses begged God not to destroy His people (vv.25-26). He acknowledged God sovereignty, that he had the power to destroy the people. But he begged God not to destroy them, they were the people He had saved out of Egypt, saved to be His people. {b} (v.27) Moses asked God to remember His promised to the forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. he begged God to overlook the stubbornness of this people, overlook their wickedness and their sin. {c} ) (vv. 28-29) Moses begged God to forgive the sins of the people for two reasons 1. If God destroyed the Israelites, the surrounding nations (Egypt and the world) would make false charges against God. They would claim that God was weak, vengeful and evil; that he did not have the power or honor to fulfill his Word and promises to Israelites. Moses wanted God to preserve His own honor and trust in the eyes of the world. 2. Another reason why God must give His people another chance: because the Israelites were God's people, His inheritance, His special possession that He had saved with great power. Therefore, Moses begged God to turn from His wrath and give His people another change.

THOUGHT: God hears prayer. prayer is one of the basic law of the universe established by God. Prayer has been chosen by God to be one of the basic laws that stir Him to act as he governs the universe. Prayer is act of man that arouses God to move and act in behalf of man. (Matt. 7:7, Mk. 11:24Jn. 15:7, James 5:16)

The Mercy of God Deut. 10:1-11 [3] THE WONDERFUL MERCY OF GOD THAT SAVED GOD'S PEOPLE. (vv.1-5) God heard the prayer of Moses and renewed His covenant with His people. God turned away from His wrath and gave them another chance to follow and obey Him. {a} The LORD immediately instructed Moses to prepare to receive a second copy of the Ten Commandments. He was to chisel out two new tablets and make a wooden chest (vv. 1-2) {b} (v.3} Moses obeyed God: he made the Ark or chest and chiseled out two stone tablets. Then he climbed Mt. Sinai with the two tablets in his hands. {c} (v.4) The LORD Himself rewrote the Ten Commandments. He renewed His covenant with His people. (Ex. 34:1-35) {d} (v.5) God then gave the commandments to Moses, and Moses returned and put the Ten Commandments in the Ark he had made. It was the mercy of God that gave them a second chance, that caused God to turn from His pronounced judgment. God had mercy upon the people, and they were saved.

THOUGHT: It was the mercy of God and His wonderful grace that saves us. When we call upon God for forgiveness, He has mercy upon us and forgives us. He give us another chance. Another opportunity to follow and obey Him. (Eph. 2:4-7, Tit. 3:5, Lam. 3:22-23, Ps. 103:17)

[4] (10:6-7) GOD LED HIS PEOPLE STEP BY STEP AS THEY MARCHED TO THE PROMISED LAND. Once god had forgiven the terrible sin of the people, He renewed His presence among them. He led the Israelites to break camp and to march from the wells of the Jaakanites to Moserah. It was there that Aaron died and that his son Eleazar succeeded him as High Priest.

THOUGHT:  God leads us step by step as we march to the promised of heaven. The march through the wilderness of this world is sometimes burdensome and difficult. Trial after trail confronts us, and temptation after temptation threatens to conquer us. But god promises to lead and guide us every step of the way. (Lk. 1:78-79, Jn. 16:13, Is. 42;16, Is.41:10)

God appointed the Levites to be the ministers to His people. They were given three specific tasks: >>>to look after the Tabernacle as they marched throughout the wilderness wanderings. >>>to stand as a mediator between God and man, ministering to the people and pronouncing blessings upon them in the name of God. This they did by leading the people in worship and witness, teaching them the law, and ministering to their need. >>>to be totally committed to God and His service. They were not to become entangled in the financial and business affairs of this world. For this reason, they were to receive no inheritance, no share of property in the promised land. The LORD alone was to be share, their inheritance. their total focus, energy, and work were to be focused upon God.

[6] (vv.10-11) GOD'S PEOPLE WERE SAVED FROM JUDGMENT BY THE INTERCESSORY MINISTRY OF A MEDIATOR. Because of the importance of intercessory prayer, Moses restates the fact: for forty days and forty nights he stayed on the mountain praying and seeking the LORD. The LORD heard his prayer and did not destroy the Israelites.

THOUIGHT: There is a great lesson for us in the intercessory ministry of Moses. He stood between god and the people, stood between the judgment and mercy of God. By this act, he is a clear type of the intercession of Jesus Christ. Moses is a picture of Jesus Christ, the Mediator who stands between God and us. Jesus Christ intercedes in our behalf, asking God to accept us because of our faith in His death upon the cross. (1 Tim. 2:5-6, Heb. 4:14-15, Heb. 2:17, 1 Jn. 2:1-2)

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Welcome to Bible Study
February 22, 2022

Remember The Ten Commandments-The Fundamental Laws to Govern Man and Society... Deuteronomy 9:1-29
When it comes to human nature, no person has any more merit or worth, goodness or righteousness than any other person. we all stand equal before God. God shows no favoritism nor partiality to any person. For a person to think that he is better than someone else, that he has more value and worth than another person, that he is more acceptable and useful to God than others, that God favors him and blesses him more than other is the height of self-righteousness.

[I] (9:1-6) Warning Against Self-Righteousness---there is the warning against self-righteousness. As the Israelites conquered the promised land, there was the very real danger that they might become self-righteousness. Once they were victorious, the Israelites might begin to think that the arm of the flesh had given them the victory, that they had conquered...
>>>because of their own strength
>>>because of their own strategy
>>>because they were more valuable in the eyes of God
>>>because they merited the favor of God
>>>because God showed them partiality, favoritism over other people >>>because they were a better people, more righteous than other people
Such thoughts are dislike to God. Moses knew this and somehow he had to drive the point home to the people.

[1] (vv.1-2)
The enemies to be face by God's people were greater and stronger than the Israelites. They lived in larger cities, behind fortified walls. Secondly, the people were as large as giants and very strong.

[2] (v.3)
Nevertheless, victory was assured. God's people would be victorious over this formidable enemy. Victory would not come by the arm of the flesh nor by the strength of the Israelites. Victory would come both by the LORD'S action and the people's action. The LORD would go ahead of His people like a devouring fire, destroying and subduing the enemy. But he would use the Israelites as His instruments to achieve victory. The people had to march forth trusting God in order to conquer the promised land. By the power of God, the victory was to be achieved as they marched forth.

[3] (vv.4-6) 
Moses strong warning against self-righteousness. Moses declares, 'It is not because of your righteousness that you will receive the promised land. you do not receive the promised land because of some merit or value within yourself. Not because of your own strength and power. (v.5) it is not because of any personal righteousness within your, not because you have a pure hearts, that you inherit the promise land. The enemies of the land are to be conquered and destroyed for two reasons:
>>>Because of their wickedness and because they are an evil people. >>>Because God is faithful; He fulfills His promised to the forefathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God has promised to give the promised land to their descendants.

THOUGHT--Self-righteousness is a dangerous attitude. It blinds a person and condemns him to be separated forever from God's presence. It prevents a person from entering the promised land of heaven. (Matt.6:5, Lk. 18:11, 2Cor. 10:12, Is. 64:6, Rev.3:16-17)


: Remember the brazen, shameful disobedience and rebellion that took place at Mt. Sinai. God was provoked to anger against the Israelites because of their repeated disobedience and rebellion. In fact, His was aroused enough to destroy His people right there at Mt. Sinai (Mt. Horeb)

The Ten Commandments, the covenant He had made with His people. The LORD had kept Moses on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights. During that time he was fasting, praying, and receiving the Ten Commandments. He ate no bread and drank no water during the forty days. (v.9) The LORD had given Moses the commandments on two stone tablets (v.10). The commandments had been written by the finger of God Himself. They were given to Moses at the end of the forty-day fast (v.11)

{3} (vv.12-13)
All of a sudden, a shocking announcement was made by God. God told Moses to go down to the people, for He was disowning them. God leveled several charges against the people. he charged them... >>>with being corrupt >>>with being quick to disobey >>>with being false worshippers >>>with being stiff-necked The seriousness of the charges lay in this fact; the people had already accepted the covenant with God, some six weeks earlier, already agreed to terms of the covenant. But here they were already disobeying God. (Ex. 19:5-6)

God even announced that he was going to destroy the people. he was going to raise up a new people through Moses descendants.

What Moses saw shocked him: >>>He was the idol of the golden calf and the false worship of the people. >>>He saw how quickly the people had turned away from their covenant with the LORD, turned away from obeying the LORD commandments. Anger surged up within his body, and he cast the two stone tablets down and broke them before their very eyes (v.17). The fact that Moses broke the tablets in their presence show that this was a deliberate act. It was a visual picture of extreme displeasure over the people's disobedience, of their disobeying the commandments of God. It was a symbol that the covenant with God had been broken.

After breaking the tablets of the commandments, Moses shared that he got alone with God and began to intercede for the terrible sinners. Once again prayed and fasted for forty days and nights. He fell prostrate before the LORD for three reasons... >>>because of the people terrible sin and evil that had provoked him to anger. >>>because the LORD was angry enough to destroy the people (v.19). But the LORD the prayer of Moses. >>>because the LORD was angry enough with Aaron to destroy him (v.20). It was only the prayer of Moses that kept God from executing Aaron.

{7} (v. 21} THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SINFUL THING. After praying for the people, Moses then destroyed the sinful things of the people: he burned the idol of the golden calf, ground it into powder, and threw it into the stream that flowed down the mountain.

APPLICATION: The golden calf incident must be remember by all generation of believers. The Israelites broke God's commandments. They disobeyed and rebelled against God. They aroused God anger, stirred Him to pronounce judgment upon them. This is a strong lesson for us: we must not break the commandments of God. We must not disobey God lrst we arouse His anger and judgment against us. (Eph. 5:6, 2Thess. 1:7-9, Heb. 2:2-3) 

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Welcome to Tuesday Night Bible Study

February 15, 2022 OUTLINE

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Welcome to Tuesday Night Bible Study--
Feb 8, 2022 OUTLINE

God Care for His People [Deut 7:6-11, 8:1-20]
1 The reason why all enemies of the promised land must be completely destroyed. A picture of spiritual separation.
{8:1} Observe! Obey every commandment of God
     a.  Assures life
     b.  Assures increase in fruitfulness & population
     c.  Assures an inheritance in the promised land
{8:2-6} Remember God’s guidance through the wilderness wandering
     a.  God humbling you and testing you
          1.  To prove your character
          2.  To prove your obedience or disobedience
     b.  God ‘s provision of food
          1.  He provided manna His purpose:
          2.  To teach one great truth …
          ...Man’s life does not depend on bread alone
          …Man’s life depends on the Word of God
     c.  God’s provision of clothing & strength
          1.  Clothes did not wear out
          2.  Feet did not swell
     d.  God’s discipline: Just as a father loves & corrects, so God loves & corrects
     e.  God’s expectation: Obedience
          1.  Must walk in His ways
          2.  Must fear, revere Him
{8:7-10} Praise the Lord for the promised land & its wonderful provision
     a.  The great provision of the land
          1.  An overflowing supply of water
          2  An abundance of food
          3.  A scarcity or lack of nothing
          4.  A rich deposit of minerals
      b.  The strong charge: Always praise the LORD for the promised land & its wonderful provision     

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